
Toph shows up in early season 2, I think her first episode was called “The Blind Bandit”.

Most of the stuff from previous expansions is still there, except for stuff that got changed during the Cataclysm redesign, and a few raids that were repurposed. But if you want to run Molten Core for the old gear sets, or do the Argent Tournament for the mounts, you still can.

The class campaigns are really fun, and give you a reason to level up your alts. The Death Knights are trying to raise a new set of Horsemen, the Demon Hunters are prepping for a raid on the Legion stronghold of Niskara, and the rogues are investigating the murder of a beloved npc. It’s great.

She has the good sense to stay out of the campaign, and I’ve never heard anything about her misbehaving, but I admit I don’t know much about her.

Tiffany seems all right.

The Loa spirits told Vol’jin that Sylvanas was the only warchief who could defeat the Legion.

From the one trailer I saw, it looks like they changed that. He seemed surprised to see her, and said he’d been awake for a while (a few years, I think).

Hell, it could have been some idiot teenagers screwing around, or an honest accident; somebody throwing away volatile chemicals instead of properly disposing of them.

Plus, in the South Park universe, Momonism is actually the one true religion that will get you into heaven. So it’s not surprising that Mormons have a good sense of humor about SP’s Mormon jokes.

Plus, you can solve a lot of the downsides by bringing in immigrants to shore up your workforce. They pay taxes to support your old people, they get a nice country to live in, and nobody has to have babies if they don’t want to. Everybody wins!

Utah has laws forbidding a person from living with multiple romantic partners, for the express purpose of being able to crack down on child-marrying fundie Mormon cults. In any other state, you can only marry one person at a time, but the law doesn’t care if you let your boyfriend move in too.

Ethical polygamy where everyone is a consenting adult is one thing. Polygamist cults where the women are brainwashed, coerced, and married off as children are quite another. This particular family is the latter.

House cats are descended from African wildcats, which prefer to sleep in dens. That’s why cats are drawn to semi-enclosed spaces like cardboard boxes, sinks, and cupboards; They’re just looking for a good lair.

That’s why I love tankinis. They give you the coverage of a one-piece, but allow easy bathroom access.

Jason Momoa is magic like that.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think many teens have children because they think it will be fun and easy. They have kids because they have sex, don’t know enough about contraception to avoid getting pregnant, and then either can’t or won’t get an abortion. Carrying around a doll for a week isn’t going to

Garrisons are still there, but we’re not going to be spending much time in them anymore once the new content comes out.

They’ll still be there, and you can still progress through them on new characters, but they nerfed the hell out of your ability to make gold from them.

There’s a portal to the blasted lands and a portal to hellfire peninsula (BC version) in the Mage tower, and a portal to Ashran in the king’s keep (take a right in the throne room).

And that’s how I wound up in a disciplinary meeting dressed as Batman.