
There was a bug with the way xp was being calculated, which got hotfixed recently. That might have been your problem.

And there’s that Dreadlord mind control spell that only breaks after you take 10k damage. Don’t have that much health? Sucks to be you!

I love seeing the flock of mounts flying away after a kill, and then them all swooping down on their next victim.

Did they include a definition for “adverse event”? Because even if people are getting mild rashes, swelling, or soreness more often than not, those reactions won’t kill you. Cervical cancer might.

Yeah, Blizzard does wavebans. The forums love to post screenshots of the bot program’s forums the day bans go out, so we can laugh at the cheaters.

Yeah, it’s from the mock trailer for History of the World part 2 that played at the end of the movie.

I only know her because she’s playing Harley Quinn, and I’m looking forward to Suicide Squad. Other than that, she’s just another actress.

That was my reaction too, but it may be possible that my spending so much time on geek sites may have skewed my perceptions of who’s more famous than who. I mean, I can name the entire cast of The Avengers, but can the average person?

The only part of the rules I don’t like is “no animal butts”. Corgi butts are a national treasure!

I had over 100k on a level 25 bank alt. Not even doing any fancy AH manipulation, just selling off pets, medallions, and champion’s honor as I found them.

People used to commit suicide by sticking their heads in the oven. When that kind of oven was phased out, the suicide rate plummeted.

I’m only familiar with the books, but as far as I could tell first cousin relationships aren’t considered incestous; Lysa suggested that Sansa marry Robin, and nobody batted an eye, and Cersei confessed to banging her cousin Lancel, and the church’s reaction was “pre-marital sex bad!”, with no mention of incest.

Gardevoir’s chest spike.

We shot a beholder out of a catapult.

Did you do the Molten Core anniversary event two years ago? I wiped a few times doing that.

Doom was fine, if generic, as a space marine movie, but it wasn’t very good as a Doom movie. You would think they could have at least had them fighting Doom monsters instead of those zombie-mutant whatevers (I only saw the movie once, I honestly don’t remember what they were.) The first-person bit at the end was good,

It doesn’t matter if you, personally, are for restricting women’s rights. If you are voting Republican, you are voting for people who are, and therefore believe that your financial interests are more important than women’s rights. End of story.

They could use Mekkatorque, Wilfred Fizzlebang, Millhouse Manastorm, or even Thermaplugg if they wanted to add a real Gnome.

Rebuttal: have you ever seen the comments on news websites that use Facebook commenting? People are surprisingly cool with saying horrible things under their real names.
