
I think it has to do with kin selection; gay people didn’t have children of their own, but that meant that they could put their resources towards their sibling’s children, and thus those children had a higher chance of survival.

It has to do with gyroscopic forces; I’m a little fuzzy on the details, but it’s the same reason a top doesn’t fall over while it’s spinning.

My mom (RN) once treated a lady who had potassium poisoning from an all-banana fad diet.

And scientists are now working on cloning organs from the patient’s own cells, which means that eventually anti-rejection drugs will be a thing of the past.

They’re performing a scripted fight, I assume the other guy thought Enzo was faking being stunned for dramatic effect. When he realized he wasn’t faking, he stopped.

It’s like that episode of Cake Boss (or another cake-making show, I wasn’t paying attention), where a socialite hired them to make “the world’s most expensive cake”, and they basically just made a cake and stuck a bunch of jewelry to it. Like, that’s cheating. The food isn’t worth that much, all the extraneous crap

Yeah, I first scanned it as “Steve Martin has passed”, and I freaked out for a second.

All I can make of that rebus is “when did” and “island”. I can’t figure out the rest, but I don’t think it’s anything inappropriate.

I think “rod” is supposed to refer to the staff that shepards use to gently nudge and guide their sheep; the metaphor being that you should gently steer your children back onto the path of righteousness if they misbehave.

How does drying your hands by wiping them on your pants rate? Because I’ll be damned if I’m going to fuck around with the air dryer at work for the five minutes it would take to get my hands halfway dry.

As a Michigander, I feel compelled to defend Faygo’s honor. It’s really very delicious if you like fruit-flavored sodas, especially the peach flavor.

I agree. Sometimes, you are going to be attracted to people you can’t date. That’s life. Dealing with those feelings without dragging the other person into it is part of being an adult. Take a cold shower and stop staring at little girls’ legs, ffs.

I have worked at many places that have guidelines for how to style your hair, and this hairstyle would have violated none of them. It’s naturally colored, neat, groomed, clean, and out of the way. If you can find a dress code from a retail store that this would violate, I’d love to see it.

The reason was that photography was really rare and expensive back then, so most people only hired photographers for special occasions, like weddings. So if a kid died young, it was entirely probable that the parents had never taken a photo of their kid when he was alive, so this was their last chance to get a photo

My sister and I used to make a fortune in tickets off the Whack-a-Gator machine at Ceaser Land (Little Ceaser’s version of Chuckie Cheese). The trick was to ignore the mallet-it only took a light tap of the hand to register a hit- and to have a second person to help. I’d take the left side of the machine, she’d take

Just before Warlords of Draenor came out, World of Warcraft had an event where if you killed the last boss in the last raid of Mists of Pandaria, Garrosh, you got a limited time heirloom weapon. Competition for spots on raid teams was vicious, and players were getting kicked and replaced constantly.

How did they get all of those cats to stay on their seats long enough to take the photo?

Well he did strangle his cousin, but that was due to the influence of the ring, just from seeing it. On the other hand, for the ring to take hold of him so quickly suggests that he was already fairly corrupt, since Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam all carried the ring without murdering any family members.

Gnome hunters are coming out in a few months, no dwarf Druids, though.

Yeah, the hearthsteed. I made my sister play Hearthstone for me until I got the mount.