He was very popular with 10-15 year old girls in the late 90's/early 2000's, and then he hit puberty.
He was very popular with 10-15 year old girls in the late 90's/early 2000's, and then he hit puberty.
Not just Down Syndrome, but any disability, which could include stuff like Anencephaly, which has a 100% mortality rate within a few weeks of birth.
Of course sexism exists, but after the whole “young women are voting for Bernie because they want to impress the Bernie Bros” thing, I’m a little defensive about people implying that voting for Bernie is evidence of sexism.
Pretty much all of my female friends and relatives voted for Bernie too, so I wouldn’t be too quick to pin it on sexism.
1v1 Tol Barad is actually kind of fun. My warlock vs a warrior, I pretty much feared him until I ran out of fear spells, got killed by him, respawned, feared him again, over and over until the clock ran out. I was defending, and he never managed to capture a building, so I won.
Sticking your head in the oven used to be a popular method of suicude; when that kind of oven became obsolete, suicide rates in England dropped dramatically, and stayed down. When you make it harder to commit suicide on an impulse, fewer people commit suicide.
If they any of the candidates run as a third party, it’ll only serve to split the vote and hand the election to the other party’s nominee. I hope Clinton and Sanders are smart enough not to do that, but Trump seems like he’s way more interested in stroking his own ego than advancing an actual conservative agenda for…
Whatever the reason is, it’s a direct counterpoint to “don’t dress like a slut and you won’t get harassed.”
My friend actually notices that she gets more catcalls when she’s walking to the store in ratty sweats and a hoodie than she does when walking to the gym in yoga pants and a tank top, on the same stretch of road.
My sister accidentally discovered that muscle relaxers work awesome for period cramps; she was taking them for an unrelated problem, but half an hour after taking one her cramps went from “can’t stand up” to completely gone. Talk to your doctor, obvs.
You can definitely buy stuff online with a debit card, at least in the US. It’s how I do all my online shopping.
A vaginally-born baby would be getting a mouthful of that stuff anyways.
That’s exactly what the “phantom limb” analogy means. Rationally, you know it’s not there, but sometimes it feels like it’s still there, and it hurts.
Or a good actor, in the case of Pirates. My uncle’s first thought after seeing the first movie was that Johnny Depp’s performance was the difference between it being a hit and it being mediocre and quickly forgotten.
I love fruit flavored soda. My latest obsession is black cherry cream soda, but I might have to see if the asian market near my work carries japanese melon soda.
Anyone else thinking of the Futurama episode where all the appliances staged an uprising?
It prevents your bosses/former bosses from stumbling across your post while googling the company name.
She is aware that Bush was the one who started the Iraq war, right? Not Obama?
I prefer Bernie too, but I’m worried that he might be too far left for the middle-of-the-road independent swing voters, and that Hilary will have a better chance in the general election. But with how wacky the Republican nominees are, I think anyone who’s not a rabid conservative will probably vote Democrat anyway. So…
Not very scandalous. The term “shotgun wedding” was coined for a reason; it was surprisingly common for women to be pregnant when they got married.