
I have an account just to follow comedic twitters like bird’s rights activist, and I never post anything of my own. It works out pretty well. Nobody bothers to harass an account with basically zero activity.

My mom’s pulling one on my sister’s fiancé. She got him a comically tiny stocking that matches our full-size stockings, and a full-size stocking that doesn’t match. She’s going to present him with the tiny stocking, which will contain like three pieces of candy, and tell him he doesn’t get a real stocking until he

My mom and sister once got stuck on the one at Cedar Point. They said they could feel it swaying in the wind.

My dad told me it was illegal because the light made the window reflective, and thus made it hard for the driver to see out. Which makes sense, because that actually is how glass works. I wonder if different states have laws about that.

It also has to do with people objecting to nativity scenes on government owned property. Seperation of church and state and all that.

I swear by Pert Plus, but I imagine that hair type plays a large part in what works for which people. I have thick, straight hair, and I let it air-dry, for the record.

Add to that the fact that human traffickers frequently lure victims by telling them they’ll get them jobs as models and actresses, yeah I can’t blame the TSA for doing their due diligence when some details didn’t add up (like them not having performer visas).

no, it was definitely 2013. There was a horrendous ice storm a week before christmas, and a huge chunk of the state lost power. I still live with my parents, so I went with my younger siblings to my grandpa’s house, and we had a lovely christmas eve chinese food feast. The power came back on Christmas morning, but our

Ah yes, I remember the winter of 2013. Did you guys lose power, too? We didn’t have any power for like a week, so I spent a couple of days trudging half a mile through the snow to the library so I could hang out there and charge my DS, before my parents just decided to ship all of us to my grandparent’s house in

I suppose that makes sense, if you completely ignore the fact that feminists also talk about toxic masculinity and how restricting men to traditionally masculine roles hurts them, and that they encourage boys to wear makeup and play with barbies if that’s what they like. If you add that information in, it looks a lot

Well, yeah. My family contains gay people, interracial couples, women who make more money than their husbands, and even a stay-at-home dad. If you have a problem with any of that (which republicans, pretty much by definition, do) you aren’t invited to be part of my family. And don’t give me that crap about only voting

Yeah but the movie’s coming out in June, so there’s much speculation that they’ll release Legion around the same time to double up on the hype. Also, they’ve never started a beta this early before, so that indicates that they’re planning for an earlier release.

I agree with your post, but I have one little nit to pick: The 3/5 compromise didn’t have anything to do with voting rights, it was about how to count slaves on the census for purposes of taxation and congressional representatives. But other than that you’re spot on.

My sister has a gauze pad taped under her nose. She calls it her mustache.

My sister got her deviated septum fixed yesterday, so she’s skipping thanksgiving because her nose still hasn’t entirely stopped bleeding.

I liked milk when I was a kid, but drinking milk and then riding in a car was a sure fire way to make me barf. I threw up on pretty much every trip to grandma’s until my parents figured out it was the milk causing it, and stopped letting me drink it on road trips.

That’s about how I reacted when Ehren “died” in First Lord’s Fury. I can deal with characters going out in a blaze of glory, but he died in such a stupid and pointless way. It was practically off screen! I almost didn’t finish the book because of that, but I’m glad I did, because a couple of chapters later you find

No. Don’t you dare fat-shame your kid. For one, kids that age are still growing, and a bit of baby fat is normal. Two, telling her that she’s fat when she’s really not could lead to life-long body image problems, including dangerous eating disorders. If she has unhealthy habits like spending too much time watching TV,

Fun fact: you can sign up to be an organ donor online in some places. You just fill out a form with your identifying information, and they mail you a sticker to put on your license. It takes literally 5 minutes, and it’s not like you’re going to need your organs after you’re dead.

My aunt’s divorce from her first husband took like two years because they were fighting over custody, and she was engaged to, living with, and pregnant by husband #2 by the time the divorce was finalized.