
It was a common saying at the time; it means something like “I don’t usually act like this/it’s not socially acceptable to act this way, so let’s just blame it on the booze”. If you watch movies from the time period you’ll probably hear it there too.

Oh my god the Kel’Thuzad is holding a Mr. Bigglesworth doll. I’m dead.

I don’t even like coconut, but I eat Samoas by the handful. I don’t understand why they’re so magical.

Tomatoface is a never ending font of WTFery.

You know that photo is fake, right?

I hate when polygamous people act like monogamy is some culturally imposed delusion that we’d all be happier getting rid of. No, asshole, some of us are wired to be monogomous, so stop being a condescending dick.

Assuming the bus has no shortage of available seats, putting your purse on the seat next to you is a good way of signalling “don’t sit next to me, I don’t want to talk to you.” Once the bus starts to get full though, you should move your purse, because now people have a reason to want to sit next to you besides

Did you miss the Benghazi hearing last week?

I have to say, it’s kind of refreshing to have a troll who really makes an effort. Any 4chan idiot can make a burner and post porn or shout homophobic slurs, but Tomatoface is a master of saying things that are just reasonable enough to be plausible, but stupid enough that you want to argue with him. It’s honestly

Fun fact: the 1939 version of Wizard of Oz (you know, the one everyone has seen) was a remake. There were a couple of prior attempts at adapting L. Frank Baum’s story, but the Judy Garland version was the first one that was any good.

Since men are doing all the raping, why not have a curfew for men instead?

Isn’t this pretty much the same argument as the trolls who pop up on articles about discriminatory businesses and say “what’s the big deal? They’re doing you a favor! You don’t want to give your money to a bigot, right?” And then everyone has to explain the civil rights movement to them.

I bet they wouldn’t bat an eye over a diaper ad either.

I’m with PNC, and my account has a minimum balance of like $200, but it’s waived if I have direct deposit of more than $500 a month. They also have account types that have no minimum balance, but you don’t get interest or ATM fee reimbursement with those.

You are familiar with the concept of bodily autonomy, and the US’s history with forced sterilization of minorities right?

Many years ago I worked at the concession stand of the local baseball stadium, and it was not uncommon to get mildly burned while cleaning the popcorn machine. You had to stick your hand in the still-hot drum and scrape the burned gunk out every once in a while, and if you were not perfectly steady your forearm would

I hear that nail polish remover is good for dissolving super glue. Don’t use it near your eyes, obviously, but it should be perfect for unsticking your fingers.

I kind of go through cycles with how much weird stuff is in my purse; random things will accumulate in there, until I decide that it’s time to clean out my purse, and take out everything but my wallet, keys, and phone. So how well I would do at this game depends on where in the cycle I am.

You could have the funeral pyre and then cremate what’s left later.

The zoo in my city has a potbelly pig in their petting zoo named Kevin Bacon.