Blizzard has some of the best customer service of any video game company I’ve seen. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say anything but nice things about the CS team, and I spend a lot of time on WoW forums.
Blizzard has some of the best customer service of any video game company I’ve seen. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say anything but nice things about the CS team, and I spend a lot of time on WoW forums.
You forgot the soft pretzels. When my parents went to the ball game on 4th of July, I literally made them bring me a pretzel home from the game. I would have gone with them and eaten it there, but I had to work.
The ballpark in my city has 2 dollar beers on thursday, and all the college kids come to the game to drink and socialize. It’s basically like a big outdoor bar with a ball game going in the background.
We could do that just by giving away free birth control and abortions to anyone who wanted them.
There is no way to enforce that kind of rule without stomping all over people’s rights to bodily autonomy, and if you think it would be enforced fairly you are delusional.
Is it just me, or is that photo of Courtney Cox less “plastic surgery disaster” and more “unflattering angle and lighting”? Because, duh, nobody looks good when their eyes are so deep in shadow that you can hardly even see them.
I do like seaweed, but it’s not something that’s usually eaten by itself, is it? Is sushi good for you? I could totally live off of sushi (if I could afford it).
So what, exactly, are we supposed to eat? Is there any food on the planet that is all-around good for you, and doesn’t taste like crap?
I sort of did this once, but with chili powder popcorn and self-loving. It sucked.
On the bright side, did you guys hear that 50 year old Monica Bellucci is the female lead in the next Bond movie? The MRA man babies are, predictably, very upset about this. Also, I had no idea that Monica Bellucci was 50.
It could not have sounded more like a hoax if it had been a screenplay about a kidnapping faked by very dumb people whose only knowledge of how criminals operate came from watching Ocean’s Eleven. Like, the supposed group of gentleman thieves, who are so meticulous that they kidnapped Denise as a “practice run” before…
It looks like the wing is hollow, and the cat is inside the wing. I don’t know if the pre-flight check involves looking inside the wing, or if the wing is translucent enough that you could see the cat from the outside, but it seems like a pretty good hiding spot.
He seems to think that terrorists are literally walking across the border, instead of passing through border security like everyone else who travels between the US and Canada.
When my abusive, chronically unemployed scumbag uncle died, pretty much everyone except his kids breathed a sigh of relief. At the funeral, the priest gave a very nice speech, then asked if anyone wanted to come up and say a few words about the deceased. Nothing but crickets from the mourners. You’re not supposed to…
Um, I never said anything about black people. You have no idea what city I live in or what the demographics are. I know what neighborhoods I’d be living in, and there are frequently shootings, muggings, and armed robberies in those areas. For that matter, you don’t even know what my race is, unless you went digging…
I don’t think one more starving wage slave is going to have an impact on neighborhood property values, and in the meantime I would be putting myself at risk of being robbed or assaulted.
You are aware that we don’t have a draft anymore, right? Like, yes, men technically still have to sign up for selective service, but nobody in the US has actually been drafted since Vietnam, and the chances of it ever being enforced again are extremely slim.
I’m 28 and live with my parents. I have a job (not a super great one, but at least it’s union), and I pay rent to my parents and take care of my own bills. Between housing prices in my city and my income, there’s basically no way I could live on my own without constantly worrying about money, living…
I will take any excuse to make other people buy me cake.
Is there any chance that the park rangers could remove Cecil’s cubs and have them raised in reputable zoos or wildlife sanctuaries? I mean, if the other lions are going to kill them anyway, they don’t have any chance of staying with their pride, so they may as well move them somewhere else where they can be tourist…