
Although I personally loved it, the general consensus is that Willy’s Wonderland wasn’t very good, and mentioning Colour Out of Space is now verboten after the accusations against Richard Stanley of domestic abuse surfaced.

Says you!

Ok, here are my hot takes about the ME3 ending:

- The real problem with Mass Effect started with ME2. Yes, I know, it’s the most beloved entry in the franchise, also most people’s point of entry in the series, yadda yadda yadda. Sorry, but it’s a goddamn narrative mess, changing completely the tone and stalling the

This shit is straight out of a George Saunders story, man.

Hey, guys, I know you’re super eager to stick it to the Bad People(tm) online, but surely you can find a better hill to die on than the Cowboy Bebop live action.

It was a pretty decent movie, but it followed the same template of all Rian Johnson-penned movies: a very exciting and interesting first act, followed by a second act where he changes gears (and genre) abruptly, completely killing the movie’s rhythm, and a third act where the house of cards falls apart under the

I find that unlikely to happen, considering that Emmerich is gay.

I never expected to see someone say “Media literacy is dead, and good riddance!” with a straight face, but here we are. Modern nerd culture surely is the gift that keeps on giving.

Let’s not forget his main gripe with Marvel’s handling of Miracleman and the reason he’s credited as “The Original Writer”, is “Marvel tried to rip off Mick Anglo, Miracleman’s original creator, of his hard earned royalties, and I refuse to let my name be tied with such practices”.

It is strongly hinted that Zifnab is God at the end of the cycle, the same way Fizban is an avatar of Lathander in the Dragonlance novels. In fact, he “chooses” the name “Zifnab” because Fizban was already taken.

Gonna take advantage of my status as someone stuck firmly in the greys and say: Good. You and Bricken were the posterboys for the “new” io9 after the departure of Annalee and Charlie Jane, the clickbaity, post-before-you-ask, not-gonna-bother-with-factcheck io9, the one that turned into a newsletter for Disney IPs., by any stretch of the imagination, can any of the entries of that list be considered a “debut”?

Hey, I liked Uprising. Not as much as the original, but as a camptastic ball of cheese is more than decent. Very enjoyable if you switch off your brain.

There is this really weird trend in io9/Gizmodo lately* to try to rewrite history and convince the world that “well, the original Bebop wasn’t actually that good/ deep/ enjoyable/ well written/ whatever anyway”. I’m here to politely tell you all that you can suck it. There is a reason why Bebop has remained a

Strongly mixed feelings about the movie and the whole Rebuild project. I see the evolution, and understand it, and even LOVE it at times; and yet it feels less honest, less raw than the original, messy series (and specially, the original film ending, which still stands as one of the most daring, outrageous, raging,

Damn! If only there was someone who had been denouncing publicly the predatory practices of the comic book industry for years and years! Someone like, I don’t know, a famed scriptwriter with an overabundance of hair and an unfair public image as a curmudgeon!

Interesting. Those post-apocalyptic landscapes gave me sort of a Stalker-ish vibes.

“The market knows best”

All I can say about the film is that the title is quite apt.

How is it possible that the animated tie in looks visually more interesting than the main series?