
Ok, here’s my hot take (probably pointless to post it, me being in the greys and all that, but eh): season 8 was perfectly acceptable, all those issues you have with it are all the problems the series started to accrue 3 seasons back coming to roost. The series started to go downhill fast after they run out of actual

Chappie is basically a chav Short Circuit with Die Antwoord playing themselves, and up to this day I still don’t understand why more people don’t find that premise as hilarious as I did.

I watched it last year at the Sitges Fantastic Film Festival and completely forgot it existed until now. That should be telling enough.

I must disagree here: when Christians became “incredibly rich and politically powerful” they weren’t persecuted... they started persecuting others. They were persecuted when they were a fringe, kooky cult from the East.

You’re aware that London was already 5 million people at that time, right? You’re aware that the whole East End covers a sizable part of the East, which is in itself almost half of the city, right? You’re aware that the East End wasn’t the only place crawling with rookeries and slums and that the descriptions weren’t

Well, allow me to disagree- even if just half of what Jack London wrote in “The People of the Abyss” is true, it would make the most deprived parts of London at the time worse than the worst modern day slum. And it was written in the 1900s!

Why do we keep pretending that if there was some sort of supernatural that granted a minority of the population superpowers they’d become underprivileged second class citizens instead of the next batch of tyrants?

It also protects you from slander lawsuits and having to actually substantiate your accusations. “Oh, yeah, they’re the worst. The worst. I can’t actually say *why* they’re the worst, but trust me, everybody knows. Know what? Oh, man, if you had to ask what you really should take a long, hard look at yourself in the

Wow. Even for the standards of a lame excuse this is frankly stupid.

No, you’re not misremembering things. This whole controversy is stupid.

but will it have UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ?

It’s surprising to see so many naysayers in the comments. You know, for a *science fiction blog* you’d expect to see a little less outright dismissal of a popular *science fiction concept*

why do they keep doing CGI anime

The CEO might make the decisions and attend the meetings that run the company, but those decisions and meetings never end up on her calendar if my pawn doesn’t let them.”

I can picture Tipper Gore thinking “Who’s laughing now, bitch?”

“Best season ever” Meh- the first half is amazing, but in the second half the pace grinds to a halt. After five episodes of high octane action and thrilling conspiracies, the last 5 take too much time saying things we already know again and again- this season could have been condensed perfectly to 7 or 8 episodes.

I don’t know, I liked Uprising. Not as much as the original, but... yeah, I enjoyed it.

Did you ever wish Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell had been 25 years younger and significantly angstier when they made the classic, beloved movie Groundhog Day?”

You mean the less *popular*, right? Still the best entry in the franchise, UI issues and all.