
I’m glad that, barely a year after its release, not even in the comment section of io9 you can find someone who can unironically defend this trainwreck. Sometimes justice prevails, it seems.

I mean- if you keep bringing it up, again and again, of course it never will. But how else would you get all those sweet rage-filled clicks, am I right?

...and that’s one of the many, many things wrong with the industry nowadays.

Claudia did nothing wrong.

Not everyone has an HBO subscription, either.

...that’s a Wizard of Oz reference, and a blatant one as well. Are we becoming so fucking media illiterate that we cannot recognize a reference to one of the most popular cultural creations of the XX century?

Hail Caesar! is one of the most underrated movies in the last decade and I’ll die in this hill.

The problems of Solo are basically derived from Disney’s execs deliberate decision to supress any inklings of personality and originality from the film and replace truly interesting directors Lord and Miller for irregular filmmaker-for-hire Ron Howard, turning something that could have been legitimately interesting

Mmm. I remember reading the first volume and finding it pretty meh. Let’s see if the adaptation makes me change my mind...

if you truly believe that, then you should watch more film/tv

Jungle Cruise was The Mummy for children with ADHD.

Still not convinced by the main actor, physically. He’s not otherworldly enough to be playing Morpheus.

Ah, I see the io9's slow but steady race to bottom is progressing properly!

Counterpoint: No, it is not.

Hi, I know I’m in the greys and nobody will read me, but I feel the obligation to come here and defend the honor of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, a movie that despite what you nasty young’uns keep saying over the years, is Good, Actually(tm). So... there’s that.

Alan Moore hasn’t accepted a check for adaptation royalties in decades. He always cedes his share of the profits to his fellow artists.

Damn straight. That’d be the only reason I’d consider to give this a try tbh.

This is Way Station. Amazon is adapting Way Station.

Yup. It’s 100% batshit crazy experimental animation, with a lot of scenes filled with pus, blood and bodily fluids. Definitely not everyone’s cup of tea.

Well, not 100% free, at least higher education, but significantly cheaper. Naturally, I can only speak for myself, but I got a a full MA for about... oh, maybe a fifth of the cost of a single year in a US public university, at most.