
Gonna disagree here- it may be his most popular work, but Shore at that point had already built a career of decades, specially as one of David Cronenberg’s most cherished collaborators.

Wait, so after years of using fiction as a crutch to comment on the state of the world *now* you realize the real world exists?

That’s because most of the article is, indeed, “things we already knew”. As in, things that had already surfaced in previous exposés. This one was mostly useful to sum up all we know about the clusterfuck that was the production of this game.

I’m pretty sure I watched an episode of Hannibal with the exact same plot...

Wow, a known newspaper of liberal tendencies praises a tabloid because a billionaire with known reactionary politics used his influence and money to take it down in a personal vendetta, making in the process its own work much harder because of that tabloid’s shady practices. That surely changes the whole picture! /s

Good. Gawker was a reprehensible rag that didn’t know what journalistic ethics even meant and should have never existed in the first place. And even in death, it went down fucking the rest of us, giving bazillionaires even more legal precedence to quash freedom of speech with cash than they already had before. Good

I feel terribly conflicted about this.

Oh, fuck off. Warner has decided to single handedly sent a torpedo to the waterline of ts own industry’s foundations, screwing all the other companies and potentially breaching dozens of contracts (God knows what are the legal ramifications of this crap), buying the silence and/or connivence of high end names with

Cara Gee is so pretty. There is such a cornucopia of handsome faces in this series.

I love this series with a passion, but man, this season is going to be hard to watch knowing my man Ashford is not going to be there kicking ass and being the baddest, coolest space pirate ever to grace our TV screens.

No, they are not. Secondary, at best.

Well, in that case, as they say where I’m from, “leña al mono hasta que rompa la cadena”.

I’m not *asking* anything from anyone. I’m just saying that, if it shocks and dissapoints you that much, maybe you could consider not being part of the problem. Personally, I don’t care much one way or the other.

Maybe if we, as a society, didn’t invest so much in what high status people, regardless of expertise, say and do, we wouldn’t have these problems.

“Even though he might have had those kind of feelings for Dean, it’s clear that in-jokes aside Dean is straight. “

To all those pooh-pooing ME’s mechanics and gameplay: you’re all wrong and you should be ashamed.

Mileage do indeed vary. For me, BSG’s Season Four soured irrevocably what up until that moment had been one of my favourite sci fi shows of all time, and GoT’s finale was A) not at all as bad or ludicrous as most hysterical fans claim it was, and B) just the culmination of a series of obviously dubious narrative

What... how... is this article for real? Is this what geek journalism has come into, answering questions that no one posed and need no explanation because are laid bare in the texts themselves?

Exactly this, with the added grievance that I found the story sub par.

well, excuse me for having a fucking life.