
Jesus fucking Christ, yes. That scene was positively unnerving, more so because it was partially played for laughs. The scene referred in the article was bad, but not as bad as I was dreading.

a. no, and

b. no.

Who’s the nitpickiest, the nitcpickier or the nitpickier who nitpicks the nitpickier?

It’s a 30 year gap. Did you really expect the films to go point by point through those decades?

Then you recall incorrectly, because there are exactly one mention to “The Hosnian system” (not even Hosnian Prime) in the movie: a passing reference while they’re discussing how to destroy Starkiller base, after the fucking fact. The only other reference is in the screenplay, in the action description, outside of

It’s so understandable that everyone I’ve met thought at first viewing the planet the First Order was destroying was Coruscant.

Things“The Force Awakens” introduces and doesn’t explain that require of a visit to the Wookiepedia or reading some comics to understand:

When they made a movie that cannot be fully understood unless you resort to transmedia (yes, “The Force Awakens”, I’m looking in your general direction), they are effectively saying “YOU HAVE TO READ ALL OF IT”.

...does this have to be actually pointed out? O_o

Recently, every single negative review in io9 describe movies or series that sound (and usually are, after watching) actually pretty interesting. I still remember the reviews for “Carnival Row” and “Hellboy” last year, that turned out to be two of my favourite media products last year.

Eeeeh. Still looks incredibly unappealing to me. :/

Thak God, I thought I was the only one who couldn’t rewatch it just because of how it ended (And my gripe is just with the last season, not with everything post Season 1...)

Well, yes. After the wholesale absurd destruction of WWII Europeans realized that technological progress had made the outcome of major conflicts much more unpredictable and difficult to rebuild from than in classic warfare, and thus we lost our taste for it (Proxy wars on very, very far away lands were of course still

WHAT. Why didn’t I hear about this?! Bridge of Birds is one of my favourite books!

Fuck, between this death and Wolfe’s, this year sucked for fantasy...

Eh, no. If anything, the finale proved to me that despite the obvious love and respect Lindelof feels for the source material, he doesn't understand it or its major characters in a very fundamental level.

Wait. You put “Deadly Class” among the worst shows of the year because it’s too slavishly faithful to the source and yet place “Good Omens” among the best?


It’s wonderful to see the comments here and compare them with the Damore case.

Jesus fucking Christ, that headline...

Now playing

My first thought when I saw the scene on screen: