
It’s important to note that in the comics, Hooded Justice was believed to be a white man, which has always been something on a stain on the comics’ legacy because the optics of putting a white man into a pointed hood, wrapping a noose around his neck, and presenting him as a superhero is patently bad.

That killed my soul a little bit.

that’s the first thing I thought of when watching the trailer.

Allright, metabags, y’all chumps are writing “Urdnot Wrex” wrong.

Please, Charles, stop. No matter how much you nitpick, or how much you deliberately distort or manipulate or outright lie, you are not going to affect the box office performance of this movie. It is a success. Accept it and move on. At this point the only one you’re embarrassing is yourself.

So... the writers weren´t sure what the movie was trying to say... so therefore the movie didn´t say anything?

He mistook one of Arthur’s delusions with reality. The movie makes very clear that they barely had any interaction and all the ‘dates’ were just figments from his imagination, but it seems Charles didn’t notice.

“ Depressing nihilistic movie that did a poor job of making the protagonist likeable or relatable.”

well, I suppose here he could have Fujiko´s...

you know... if someone told me a couple years ago that a triple A studio movie based in one of the most popular and venerable franchises in pop culture history would become the most controversial and “dangerous” movie since A Clockwork Orange, I´d told him to lay off the drugs...

“people´s actual concerns” = what their media of choice, in their endless quest for clicks, have told them they should be concerned about.

The reaction to this movie is insane, and considering it hasn´t been released, and so far the only people who have seen it and talked about it is selected members of the cultural

Well.. more like “Pear Orchard Common” or “Pear Orchard Green”. When you put the article in front of it, “La Mata”, it denotes an extension of land covered by that same vegetation, usually at the outskirts of a village. Sort of like saying “the sticks” or “the boondocks” in English.

nah, “mata” is the 3rd person singular present tense of “to kill”, but it can also mean “shrub”. Don´t ask.

Yes. Also, this only makes sense if one’s aware of what Moore intended to do with his seminal work, which was... well, to be seminal: that is, to be a jumpstart for other similarly minded artists to do their OWN stuff in the medium. Moore never wanted for Watchmen or his runs on Marvelman or the Swamp Thing to be the

“...from director Vincenzo Natali (whose credits include episodes of Hannibal, American Gods, and Westworld)“

“You have made no argument”, in this context, means “I am illiterate and proud”. Try again when the nurses in the retirement house give you the correct meds, “mate”. Maybe next time you’ll get the chance to say something that´s not senile babble.

No, bozo, what best illustrates the lack of class consciousness in America is the fact that you’re trying to downplay classism in the US when what made racism so vile there is precisely the perverse conflation of class and race unique to the US from the early colonial times (see Howard Zinn’s ‘A People´s History of

Okay, I´m sorry to burst your bubble but what you´re describing is classism, the US simply likes to call it something else because it reinforces its self-image about equal opportunities and whatnot.

“The US is far less classist than the UK...”

Hahahahaha. That’s what you like to think. 

Three hours? Jesus fucking Christ.