Childish Callow Gleam

What a cunt.

Hayes and his wife and kid were semi-regulars at the restaurant I worked at a few years ago. Besides being super nice and easy going, they tipped anywhere between 40-50% every time (except once when he tipped $100 on a $20 meal).

Fun coincidence: they’re both crazy-pricey and turn out to not be very good for you at all.

“I’m very sorry for my poor decision-making”

On April 1, 2020 Jimmy Fallon will discover Jay Leno behind the curtain
and realize his entire Tonight Show run was an April Fools joke.

i’m canceled, i get it

Inco-fucking-rrect, Megan.


You’ll love it. It’s funny and sad and powerful and very, very savvy. If you already know and love her voice, then the book will feel like it was written specifically for you, or at least that’s how I felt.

He’s not Dan Savage. But he’s also not not Dan Savage. 

I first came to Jezebel to follow Lindy West after she left The Stranger (Seattle’s Alt-Weekly). I finally bought a copy of Shrill, I haven’t cracked it yet but I guess I better get going so I can watch this.

You’re an asshole.

I think it’s great this show is going to be on Hulu and getting decent reviews, and that professional trolls Milo Y., who went after West, is $2 million in debt and selling his shit online. 

Former bartender and lifelong depressed person here: 1) you have no obligations here 2) If you think you can handle it, if you can have a quiet conversation with nobody overhearing, you should bring it up with him upon arrival (before he’s drunk) and as directly as possible.

Thank you for this piece. To this point:

I reserve the right to make up my own mind about this movie, regardless of online impressions. I still plan to go watch it as I have yet to be disappointed by a MCU film.

Ugh, with the way the pissy fanboys have been about this movie, I was really hoping it would be good just to shut them up.

The tragedy is that those series could have been MUCH better than they really were. Despite some rare flashes of brilliance, the moment Cottonmouth went out the window it was over.

Jessica Jones being canceled is still not quite as bleak as Jessica Jones Season 2 though.

Also the smell. Giles from Buffy does a good job explaining why screens are bad and books are good in an early episode, I cant remember it right now  but its right on.