Childish Callow Gleam

It’s absurdly over-the-top, but this kind of thing will resonate with a huge number of people.

Pinterest has a LOT to answer for. All Along the Watchtower plays...


When that prince asked them for help, duh

Which Doctor was he, number 7? Eight?

* insert “ALIENS” meme *


That is an impressive rack on Jodie Sweetin.

How was Mulholland Drive about nuclear weapons? Mulholland Falls, maybe

Also, given that you don’t have to think about driving, you will probably think of things like needing to go to Office Depot with enough time to change the inputs

Well, there is some fantasy violence on goats and disturbing dead goat images, so i would rate it PG-13. Goat parents strongly cautioned.

Oh. wow. That is absolutely not the conclusion one draws (as evidenced by all these replies) if one only watches the movie. Movies should NOT have to have background reading.

dont leave home without it

mwah ha ha!!

and why isn’t he in more stuff??

you cant spell hedonism without sin

terrible things on the playground, probably

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