Right?? Fuck these bastards.
Right?? Fuck these bastards.
is this..dust..?..my eye..something..
or ‘Sand” ?
I think we can all agree that Huntpalmer is a terrible, terrible name. There are probably thousands of euphonious names that could come from combining names, and Huntpalmer is not one of them.
Wow, and it sounds like she doesn’t have any sense vis-a-vis parenting/kids, either.
8 is way different from 4, though — what do you think the age cutoff should be for kids to be in a store on their own?
that would be too arriviste, darling
you dont wear duck boots on your hands silly
starred for LWIII & Undeclared
oh fuck that shit that is NOT a word.
Yeah, i feel like this detracts from the otherwise important post that’s been made here.
Effects, dude. not Affects.
He’s a presumably healthy middle-aged white guy who is happily married. If he is having a shitty time because he’s no longer turning ladies’ heads on the street, that is on him.
it comes with steak?
..but no bartenders.