
Kinda loving BD Wong's twitter!! He seems like an awesome dude.

I take my BC pills continuously and only plan to get my period about twice a year. Sometimes (very rarely, but it does occur nonetheless) my body decides it is just going to bleed no matter what. When it does, it looks like my "one particular area" straight up murdered someone.

Yeah, I have pretty much learned that every year when I get depressed I have to cut back...alcohol just brings out the bad stuff I'm feeling, which is no big surprise. I just really hate it when I think I am going to be ok, and then something bad happens and I just want to put my head in the sand forever. Drunken

:( I have been super stressed/on edge/depressed for a few weeks now, and consequently am doing Stupid Things like drinking too much and then having a bad time. Usually I am perfectly ok and happy and stay within good limits when drinking, but lately I have been getting way drunker than I mean to, and then getting

God I love pasta. and I VERY rarely eat it because when I do I get super bloated. But holy shit. Alfredo sauce with bacon, green onions, mushrooms...dying.

That'd be like putting gasoline in her purified system.

Blah. I just discovered Susan Miller, who is amazing (I have never really believed in astrology much but I cannot stress enough just how dead on her shit was). I have been interviewing for new jobs and am probably going to sign a contract while Mercury is in retrograde. And now I'm the dumbass who is all worried that

It is really delicious. Be prepared though, it is spicy! If you bake it, make sure to keep some leftover marinade to pour over after baking is complete.

I love firm tofu also. I marinate it in sriracha with a hint of lime and honey before either grilling it, baking it, or stir frying it, depending on what I am eating it with. So so good.

It's not another woman's job to keep a man faithful. However, it is every single PERSON's responsibility not to act like a fucking jerk, and knowingly sleeping with an attached/unavailable person kinda does put you in that category.

Omg! Haha. i am so sorry, and a big jerk. I came in here ready to see some people who ACTUALLY think that way, cuz the last time there was an article about this, there were definitely some people who were pretty "intense" about their cats...

hahaha. died.

I guess I kinda see your own comment/viewpoint as a little narcissistic.

I can maybe sort of understand the point you're trying to make here... (except the Pinterest part? what? that felt a bit random) but I really have to disagree. I don't think you're a homophobe, at least not overtly so (I don't know you, so I can't comment on that; this thread has gotten a little out of hand). But I

That's fucking ridiculous. Get some earplugs and stop complaining. Those "Other Obnoxious Animals" around your home have been there WAY longer than you, and likely contribute to keeping your environment healthy. Ugh I can't even with you.

Holy shit. That story made my skin crawl. That's horrifying.

And plain yogurt can help combat bad doggy breath :)

Eh. Whatever. Frozen dog treats have been around for quite some time.

Omg, Purple Haze is good! Sadly it costs $8 per bottle where I am so it is definitely a RARE purchase, but I indulged in some at a waterpark this weekend.

Yeah that's what I'm in the process of doing. I'm not leaving this one until I have something locked down.