
Ugh. Today is Monday, and the beginning of my 3rd shitty ass week in a row...which is leading me to believe that the issue currently lies with me, not the world around me. To an extent anyway. Due to stupid circumstances I am suddenly and unexpectedly SOOO unhappy with my job...I'm bored and not stimulated or

I know it's bad. I didn't think they would grow this much after I moved! I am thinking of just buying one that is a little too big and having a tailor here fit it — my tailor rules. But I'd have to buy one on the cheap, just in case it didn't work too well.

You are an amazing source of info! Thank you. My prob is two things currently:

Eh it's just socialization. Racism is a human construct, way too complex for a dog's level of thinking. (but it can be cute to anthropomorphize sometimes so it's ok).

:( I have to continue taking my pills continuously for my endometriosis.

Listen, I sort of see where you're coming from — excuses are generally not ok — but I disagree your overall stance with this particular issue.

No one is saying excuses aren't bullshit. But no one was making any excuses here. Again, all someone did was point out that options for people who are not "normally" sized or proportioned don't have ideal choices. That isn't an excuse — it's the truth. You took that and made this big huge rant about how making excuses

Ugh. It is such a fucking pain in the asshole to find a good sports bra. For any shape that is not the typical on-the-rack (hee hee) shape!

I'm gonna assume you have some pretty small boobs. You must not know any better...Otherwise you would never say anything like that because you would know just how ridiculous it was.

YES. I used to use 3-4 in my paragraphs in college just because i fucking love them so damn much. Semicolons, always and forever.

"I hate when people complain about their state of life when they have a clean slate."

I only just realized, the only time I hug my boyfriend from behind is as he is chopping vegetables. He just looks so cute and focused when he's making us dinner. It's a really good thing he doesn't get startled by it....but I'll probably try and save those back hugs for a less knife-accident-friendly time. Eesh.

Haha you're getting a lot of crap, I'm sorry. I am from San Diego, my sister is from LA, and I understand where you're coming from. I rarely saw people dressed in sweatpants and the like (in the proper metropolitan areas anyway) but it is generally much more casual than the East Coast.

Ignore! That dress is cute and I bet it's super flattering!

I also hate the round toe. And square toes. I tend to wear pointy toes, or strappy sandals.

Forrealz. My saddest day ever came when I found out that my current job requires everyone, even the "fancy" people in the offices who don't see or greet customers (ie me), to wear a uniform. YEARS of carefully acquired super awesome/fashionable office clothing, just hanging in my closet.

Thank you. You're probably right. I've started keeping an eye out for a new job; the trouble is I live in a place where what I do is EXTREMELY uncommon. It might be a while before another opportunity opens up but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Sigh. I have been up for a big promotion at work, which I have been really excited about. The boss and HR director each approached me MONTHS ago saying they think I'd be perfect for this new position (which BTW is totally and completely separate and different from my current job title). Bossman pretty much told me I

is all I can say in response to this guy.