
Is one of his neighbors Ralph Nader?

I never expected to own a 1948 Tucker “Torpedo” sedan. So far, expectations are lining up with reality.

I do like Roadkill, a lot. But I fear they’re going down the same play-nice-with-corporate-sponsors path that other shows take.

Maybe, but i’m afraid my car would break down the instant mana is played through it.

Mana is a source of national shame for us. They’re the band equivalent of the biebs.

Now playing

AH no, not Maná. Even my wife stopped liking them.

“What are thoooooose?”

How does putting Jeremy Clarkson on a restore/build type car show help? He has no car restore/build experties..., whatsoever. He’s a spokesman with automotive review experience, that’s it.

Tavarish would like everyone to know that for what it cost to buy the Oshkosh, they could have purchased this top-of-the-line locomotive instead.

Always knew they’d go rogue eventually...

Wanted for questioning:

For 1980’s style in a fun RWD package with a lot of money left over (as of posting, bidding $2500 with a reasonable reserve), you could have this 1985 Celica GTS convertible. Plus, if you want more than 115 HP from its 2.4L I-4, there’s plenty left over to swap in something else and stay under budget if you choose...

Autobianchi’s are a hell of a drug.

Just because they won't say no doesn't mean they'll say yes cheaply. Bespoke is how you end up spending $3MM on a Ghost.

imagine "the wolf of wallstreet" plus racecars. Subsitute the weed for blow, and you have an 80's retro vibed movie.