
I knew of their reputation... yet i was won over. Its a love/hate kind of thing.

Hand them the keys to a crappy car and they get all pouty lol

Sr. Ballaban, they’re more close to Nickelback. They’re that bad.

240SX with the devils lettuce under the seat.

That is happening my friend its called Cuban Chrome on discovery

Stuntman Mike, is that you?

My battered 93 convertible is worth now 2700 when I sold it for 1200

I do like the idea of Ricky Gervais.

As a brand spankin' new Galaxie Custom owner i approve.

Telefutura FTW!

that and the local whataburger

hehehe, i went to pickup my 93 sentra from Oak Cliff... its a quick drive provided you dont get cops near waller, ennis and Corsicana

The 240 i just bought this past Sunday. The sonoma is priced like my Dime.

3BallMTY! Really??? But they were a one hit wonder! Whyyy, whyy.... also seriously again.

aqui nomas apuntandome pa ir a levantar a este morro pa que me acompañe a la capirucha pa que me ayude con unos vochitos jejeje, ya fuera de choro nomas aqui echandole ganas, que mas hace uno.

send that web address to this young man's parents cause Johnny Law is gon' squeeze them dry.

+1 And what a car!

New Caney Tx.

It so is not. My buddy has them on a Roadmaster. Wagon with the Lt 1

This. The GA16DE. Slow, reliable.... but awfully underappreciated unlike the SR20. Heck, even their Wikipedia page is short on info...