
OH. And don’t forget Cory’s body hidden in the attic the night of the fire!

It was also pretty baller of her to seduce her mother’s husband and get pregnant and then have a Christmas gown designed to look like the one her mother wore the first year she locked them up in the attic and crashed the Foxworth Christmas ball. Cathy gives NO fucks.

Seconded. Except for the Celeste series, which is more recent and clearly written by a super fan.

Ugh, I hated Logan and Tom in those books. I don’t care if it’s incestuous, but Luke (fake dad) and Troy (cousin/uncle/something) were SO sexy. I don’t know what she saw in gross old Cal either.

“Why would anyone want to read about that?”—Please google “Uncle” Troy from the Heaven series. That shit is HOT.

Ruby is not authentic Andrews. I don’t even think the ghost writer went off of any of the outlines she wrote before she died when he wrote that shit show. I think the Dawn series was the last one that actually used Andrews’ notes and outlines. After that, it was a free for all of Andrews-esque crap. Except for the

That...and it’s cool if you have a half uncle you find sexually attractive who lives in a cottage in a maze and makes toys and delicious sandwiches.

I’m not ashamed. These books are amazing and I collect and read them as an adult who is a fucking book snob. There’s nothing like them. To reduce them to smut is an error in my opinion. Andrews innovated post-modern gothic in such a way that titillating and taboo elements were integrated into bizarre plots that were

That’s Garden of Shadows and apparently everyone gets down in the swan bed. But there was no pirate scene. Olivia, the evil grandmother, was taken by force by Malcolm when he went into a frenzy about the evils of beautiful women.

No. That sounds almost like be Seeds of Yesterday or If there be Thorns. But not really. Julian’s ballet career was ruined when Bart (possessed by Malcolm Foxworth or perhaps the evil butler) wetted the sand of the columns that were supposed to fall on him while performing Samson and Delilah which resulted in him

That’s not “real” Andrews though. It’s Heaven, Cathy and *maybe* Dawn if we’re talking about shit that Andrews had outlined before her death. Orphans series....dreck.

You an Andrews purist, I have to say that the ghost written Celeste trilogy is fucking genius—unlike some of the crappy series that were published after her death. The author CLEARLY knew what they were doing as there were subtle shout-outs to some of the most memorable themes, characters and scenes. I’m

Honestly...she’s terrible and everything, but I’m really preoccupied with her skinny super long faux dreads hairstyle. Generally, white dreads are the gnarlies

I hate primer now. It’s too hard to correct mistakes or do a take-back if you over did something. Primer is for careful make-uper’s, not loose-y goosies.

Stop crying! That’s the only way to stop the falling off of your face. What brands have you been using? This has never been a problem for me unless I have allergies or am sweating profusely.

Try some Sephora glide on eyeliner. It’s more forgiving than liquid or that crap where you have to use a mini brush and POT of eyeliner. The glide on smudges very nicely and is easy to blend particularly if you are, as I am, not the steadiest of hands.

I love myself with statement glasses and a bold eye. I’m super fair and platinum blonde and my eyes can get lost in all that artifice if I don’t add more artifice. I’m sure I’m breaking some sort of rule, but goddamn if I will give up my black eye shadow.

Why did you need a Corgi? Not shaming, just wondering why this specific breed was a must have. I think Corgi’s are quite adorable and fine, but when I was in the position to get my current beast, it was more about the actual specific dog than the breed (which the humane society fucked up on anyways). I was dicked

My parents love their dogs far more than me. It’s probably because they are more lovable or maybe have more things in common—it’s truly nothing personal.

You do you. I refer to myself as my dog’s mummy because I’m doing me and he’s my baby boy with black lips who loves mummy very much and especially enjoys my singing. I don’t need to put my baby in a cage to go out drinking, because mine knows how to jump up and sit on a barstool because his mums taught him how to act