
I think we can all agree that Timber is pretty great in terms of guilty pleasures. The rest of those songs make me feel not so bad about my guilty pleasures which involve Cazwell's All Over Your Face, T. Swift—all of it, Miley's We Can't Stop and, whitest of all dark secrets, Igloo's Murda Bizness. And Meghan

I fucking love it. I don't even feel the need to deny it. It's her schtick. If she comes out with a cover of "He hit me, and it felt like a kiss", I'll reconsider. This song is just silly and fun for me.

Yes, let's all pick on an addict suffering from mental illness for a stupid tweet and a dumb photo. Poetry in Motion or Jez Feminism? It's all so confusing. However, if the addict with mental illness and addiction issues is not rich, white and privileged and does something FAR more stupid and harmful, Jez takes an

It's a great idea. Stick with your yoga and phase in ballet. Beginner classes are not about rhythm so much as form. Your yoga muscles will come in handy for balancing and stretching and your yoga brain will allow you to catch on quickly to proper positioning. Do it!

Obviously, it's your childrearing choice, I find your stance incredibly strange and kind of degrading to ballet dancers. Odds are that your child neither has the interest, natural skill, attention span or requisite (natural) body type to *make it" as a professional ballerina. And even if she did, most people don't

Once a week until I can get strength, balance and flexibility back, so I'm doing yoga twice a week as ballet is really hard on your body if you are out of practice or carrying extra week. Once I'm back in form, ideally I'd like ballet or contemporary 3times a week, then yoga once per week to deal with the aches and

Why? That's very...specific.

Um, you just admitted you weren't a dancer. Ballet is a whole different level of body engagement. No one is saying there aren't techniques or proper form for running or biking or that those exercises are inferior, but to compare any repetitive exercise to the actual discipline of ballet is just silly and demonstrates

I saw this article and was like did I write this and forget about it? On my fourth week of adult beginner ballet after a long hiatus from ballet. It's starting to feel good again...and I was not the worst in the class this week for the first time! I wish I never stopped! Good article.

Because they are are looking for reason to get offended on your behalf because of page clicks. The baby hairs war has been especially stupid to me because I don't know ANYONE who rocks this look IRL. It's not common among WOC and highly impractical for white hair unless you are doing some weird shit to glue your

Why? I don't prefer 7:30Am meetings, but if that's when the meeting is, I fucking go.

That's a shitty thing to say. I regularly am the person working 12 hour days fixing the shit that people fucked off in their 6 hour days.

Have you read the Sweet Valley Confidential series about the 5'6 Wakefield twins with golden locks dealing with the problems that every normal 30ish woman deals with? LIKE HAVING YOUR TWIN SISTER FUCK YOUR FIANCE? Yeah, and not to ruin it, but guess who ends up with Bruce Patman? You'll never guess. It's GREAT.

Kinda guilty. In my defense, people TELL me things they probably wouldn't tell people in person. It's like confession. I don't use my knowledge maliciously, but it is very informative.

I work from home and gossip is a HUGE part of my day. People tell me everything about everyone because I don't see them in person. It's great.

That sounds fun as shit. Wigs!

I thought this was satire. Then I realized it wasn't and took a sad sip of white wine out of an old penis straw and tried to figure out where my life went so terribly wrong. I don't even know what bunting is. Wooooo!!!

Yeah, I worked at a bank that did some hardcore BHM celebrationing that was all inclusive. We were all encouraged to wear dashiki's on a memorable Wednesday as part of a series of celebratory events. To this day, I'm not sure whether the planning committee was fucking with everyone or serious about dashiki's.

Wow. Have no words.

Have you observed that literally no one is agreeing with your bullshit? You are being so obtuse and repellant. I'd rather talk to the bridal shop "girl" when things go topsy turvy than some judgmental hag who has a rage boner against a woman making an earnest effort to break into a low pay/high stress field. As a DV