An Angry Irishman

Damn, you must have had a shitty year if that’s all you think deserves being on a nomination list.

That looks like it’s worth $500 to me.

Because the cpu is still trash in these consoles. It’s a freaking jaguar lol

But he still feels entitled to come into a majority black space, and expects us to play by his rules and cater to his ego, while basically acknowledging that (a) he is probably a racist (b) “admonishing” us about how we are somehow responsible for his being a racist (c) demanding we spoon feed him knowledge on how to

Maybe not in front of you...

I’m literally #8 (a little of 6 and 4 I suppose) on this list. If it isn’t directed at me, who is it for?

If me trying to be decent makes myself the butt of your joke, it’s a great way to make me not try any longer. You can laugh at me all you want, but this type of thing hurts your cause. If you can’t see that, then I really will stop trying to be a good person and start to just worry about mine.

I mean, literally, I don’t know what I am supposed to do anymore. I personally don’t consider myself racist, I don’t judge people for the way they look, I volunteer locally (granted, most people that need help around me are Native Americans but that’s a locale thing), I vote for people and policies that try to bridge

Wow man, really helping your cause. I guess I will continue to be a “worthless white person”. With shit like this racism will exist forever and I no longer care.

So like, how do you be a “good white person”? Is it possible? This list is not productive, nor a good conversation starter.

And weebs will still say that this character’s JP VA is better than the English VA.

I see someone has been watching Super.

“since he—sigh—has kidnapped Princess Peach again, the one part of this game that feels stubbornly stuck in the past.”

Another male who professes to be a feminist and ally outed as a sex pest and creep. How many does that make now?

Listen, capitalism is responsible for everything that is good in the world. You can argue the negatives all you want, but the positives far outweigh the negative. Competition breeds success. It also creates better products at cheaper prices and pushes innovation. The internet,the computer, the cell phone, the mass

Das Kapital was written in 1867. The US was founded in 1776.

True. Keep in mind the european welfare states have been skating by on US military strength, which is why they can afford their lavish social spending.

When you consolidate power and give government officials control over literally everything, totalitarianism has and will always follow.

It is 100% socialism. Socialism (stealth communism) is the idea of promising free stuff etc through government control = corruption and greed. Stop denying it.

For now. Give it time, those 1st world socialist nations are still pretty young. Just like every other time that socialism has tried to be implemented, it will eventually fail. And Venezuela and Hugo Chavez were the definition of socialism. Sean Penn damn near blew the guy, he was so in love with him. Now the