An Angry Irishman

Again, wrong. They’re leaving those issues up to the individual states to govern their own territories. That’s the beauty of a well-run America, if you aren’t a fan of the lawmakers in your state, you can move to super-blue liberal paradises, or ultra-red conservative bastions.

Ooh! A chance to post a link to my favorite infographic website that tracks Chicago gun violence.

It’s simple, regardless of whatever crap Nintendo tries to piece together, there is no “Zelda Timeline”. It is not a thing. Each game is a re-imagining of previous games, just like Mario.

For a very long time i didnt even know you could skip quina in the first disc. So useless

No one should be shocked after the disastrous launch.

Also, this is why black people - as a GROUP - seem to have a hard time getting ahead. Once one person finds success in any way shape or form, another one (or several) try their best to take them down a peg (or several), instead of taking inspiration or emulation.

Because when you do put both genders together, males almost always dominate competition (disproportionately so) and the vast majority of women are forced out of it all together. We don’t have a solid explanation of this, it just “is” and something that people setting up leagues need to work around/with.

I concur with this! My apologies for not being aware of this option. Definitely going to rearrange my skills when I get home.

D3 does a piss poor job of telling you its various options. It was years before I knew you could toggle on damage ranges and know what skills did what damage.

and I’m not even calling him a bad person, because I believe alcoholism to generally be just self medication of some underlying mental/emotional health issue(s) and our society still doesn’t deal with such things very well. But cirrhosis at 35 is pretty hard core and that kind of drinking has to have effects of the

I don’t intend to belittle the lady’s grief here, but drinking yourself to the point of fucking your liver by the age of 35 and getting popped for not one, but two DUIs, which cause your temporary protection status to get revoked doesn’t scream “good father” to me.

I don’t see anything wrong with this situation except the killing statement which is ridiculous and not announcing that he was a police officer. I’ve had my house broken into and if i saw a bunch of kids walking around my house id be suspicious too.

and to reiterate, the femoral artery is in the leg, its very represented in the leg, a bullet goes through that, or a bone chip goes through that and its fatal unless you are both super trained and super lucky. non lethal force is very tricky to do even unarmed, what incapacitates us is what brings us close to

Pepper Spray - Nope. Confined space with children in close proximity. Deploying CS would incapacitate themselves, possibly harm the children and the threat. And it’s been shown that individuals exhibiting altered state behavior don’t always respond to CS.

Mentally unstable, drug addicted mother that goes in and out of jail was such a better option. *rolls eyes*

they followed protocol, she pulled a weapon, she died. If you don’t like it, tell your friends not to threaten people with guns.

they can’t do that when she has potential victims inside the premise. If they left and she murdered her children they would be responsible.