An Angry Irishman

Make up your mind she is a woman smart educated has a great job obviously studied hard got good grades good enough to get in to college but now your pissed because she doesn’t give the answer s you like the only answer s you would accept are all white people are evil and want to wipe out the black community fucking

And apparently so is Pew Research’s, since they only show 28% want universal single payer.

Nah, they want the money that STEM fields generate without all that fact based critical thinking to mess up their preprogrammed opinions.

Anyone that sees feminism as the hypocritical, revisionist wankstain that it is, is cool in my book.

What a way to pile on!

McCulloughs answers are what happens when only science, technology, engineering and mathematics are emphasized with no foundation of liberal arts.

So she isn’t allowed to have her own opinions?

I think some of the left really overestimates how many people support ideas like universal healthcare.

Title should read, “Man tells Black Woman how to think”.

Still, very affordable to live, a huge job creator, and the most diverse big city in the country.

I’m sorry, I missed where you also informed him he was an internet tough guy for calling me an asshole? Or is that just the sort of double standard you practice in all aspects of your life?

When you adjust for housing costs, CA is #1 for poverty rate.

Listen you moron. If you ever had a clue you threw it the fuck out with the day’s garbage.

Pensioners in CA aren’t having to choose between food and medicine with their “meager” pensions.

They aren’t and many, many cities, school systems, and other government entities in CA are waking up to huge increases in yearly contributions to meet pension obligations.

Counterpoint: Houston’s pretty nice. And the most diverse city in the US.

+1....I believe that’s defined as a ponzi scheme.

lol indeed

Do you have any response to this?

“Guys, Trump doesn’t like this thing we criticized before so now it’s totally amazing.”