An Angry Irishman

This is amazing. Can I force a trade and send LeBron James to the Sparks and have him dominate the league for 100 points per game?

It’s not by the same company, of course, but Fig is probably what you’re looking for in that regard.

I absolutely love the fact that you dropped 20 clams on this terribleness, if only for the wonderful motivation it gave you to write articles like this for us to read. Literally chronicling the complete and utter failure of a company to come up with anything more than what a couple of indies could have made at a

I was so happy that Kickstarter was such a good option for Obsidian. They were one of the first “big” companies that jumped on it, and they delivered what they set out to deliver in both timely fashion and quality.

Learning curve is actually very generous. You can do *anything* in this game and have fun. I’ve played nights where I see how far I can get being a complete pacifist, or see how well I can hide in an area, or nights where I practice combat by aggressively seeking out confrontation.

I’m actually looking forward to this book, because from what I’ve read of the excerpts, it’s exactly what I’m looking for when I think of what games journalism *should* be. Long pieces, in depth reporting, behind the scenes looks, with willing developers who want to tell their story, all done in an engaging style.

When I’m playing duos, we try our absolute damnedest to get into car chase scenes across the island, regardless of if it’s a good idea or not. Doesn’t matter what vehicle, but the best (and most hilarious) chases I’ve been a part of have been Dacia v. Dacia.

I would have figured the time-skip would have meant Arya should’ve made it up to Winterfell also.

Well then Arya is sure taking her sweet time getting back to Winterfell, considering even Bran’s crippled ass FINALLY made it. -_-

Basically, this alternate history is really not something we need to be exploring right now.

Here is a novel concept which may be foreign to you: Do not watch the show. Do not attempt to remove the show before it begins for those who may be interested in watching the show. Doing so makes you like vegans, trying to shame people for eating a steak because you’re miserable with your tofurkey, and you want

Pyre, PUBG, Rocket League, Civ 6 (that Nubia update tho, amirite? Oh wait, I’m just gonna play Teddy again like I do every time because MERICA)

Apex and Lotoe weren’t playing together lol. Lotoe was just a guy who happened to come along because he heard a firefight and figured he could get some kills.

I mean, I watched the clips and they killed a guy and were like “Oh hey, this guy, he’s been stream sniping! Bahaha you suck guy!” then got killed by the guy who got banned, and they were like “DAMN STREAM SNIPERS!”.

Uh, how is that racist? I’m making the comment regarding the family following a specific *religion*, not about their race. Please, learn reading comprehension before you comment in the future.

Uh, how is that racist? I’m making the comment regarding the family following a specific *religion*, not about their race. Please, learn reading comprehension before you comment in the future.

Stream sniping is pretty much inherently difficult to prove, unless they can look back at the player in question and show that they took an unerring path that led them directly to the streamer.

Loving Liar best watch out for some goddamn honor killings if this woman has brothers.

In it, you play as a nameless survivor who wakes up in a medical facility far outside post-apocalyptic Detroit.

A lot of people feel entitled to a lot of shit they aren’t actually entitled to.