
“I’m happy to be going home now. Finna go home and see my wife, I’m about to hug her, I’m about to see my son. Maybe see another day. Didn’t go to jail.”

I get such a weird feeling when I see video of police doing the right thing.

Actually it wasn’t against park rules. This has already been determined.

But they *didn’t* break the park rules. Cookouts are allowed there. The police didn’t arrest or cite anyone. They said “have a good time” to the ppl running the grill.

Actually...the issue was that NO PARK RULES WERE BEING BROKEN AND THAT WOMAN WHO CALLED ON THOSE COUPLES W/BBQ WAS DEAD WRONG AND REPRIMANDED BY OPD. I live here and KNOW what went down. You’d best get your facts straight before making negative, incorrect, dumbass remarks like you did. AND .... the big cookout is

Exactly! Change has never happened by breaking the rules! The best protest is silently in a darkened bedroom with the curtains drawn.

The fact that white people look at this scenario and think the cops did the right thing by checking this woman’s papers is the actual entire problem.

I am 100% ok with the measures that these fine officers were forced to take. We all have to remember that America isn’t as safe as it used to be. How do we all forget all of the (so goddamn many! Seriously google them!!) fatherless Black women and men who have shot up elementary schools, high schools, movie

Yes it is. I’m a CT local. And racist incidents among the so-called progressive crowd don’t surprise me in the least.

“It’s your fault that I raped women!” — Bill Cosby

I feel sorry for all those people who benefitted from Cosby’s donations, as well as the people who worked with him in the shows. The vast majority of them weren’t with the shits. They thought they were doing a TV show or a movie, not working as a part of a long con by a rapist. I feel for the people who got an

Thank you.

I understand why representation is vital but is that who you want to represent you? There are real life Heathcliff and Claire Huxtables. Put more admiration into them than a character played by a bootstrappy rapist.

The reason why it matters to these fucks is because if it happened to him, it can happen to them and they’re terrified that one of their victims is going to come out of the woodwork. Yeah, I said it.

And look at the damage that image of black respectability did to his Black victims!!!