
Matt and Trey made their bread and butter being suburban white guys who make their living punching down.  Did you expect them not to whine about it?  They made the original comment 20+ years ago now but it was how they hated Republicans but hated hippies/liberals more for something something caring.  It’s the classic

Well, yes, but making jokes about trans people is lazy and shitty. The idea that comedians now “live in fear” when they’re still getting nominated for Grammies despite being “cancelled” makes it fall flat for me. Most here probably disagree.

The “Covid Delta Rewards Program Plus variant” got the biggest laugh from me. The “this is the future” was amusing the first time they said it, but was overused by the second time (let alone the 20th). I didn’t understand the joke of putting Plus or Max at the end of every business name.  Comedy being so completely

Well, my recent desire to spend $20k on a Harley Pan America has morphed into a desire to spend $20k on a Maverick...

Prius MPGs with more utility for less money? If you have a family of four and a budget of less than $25K, I don’t see how you buy anything else. 

/Ben Shapiro’s wife has entered the chat

In Snyder’s take, he doesn’t just seem to have a problem with Superman’s goodness, he seems unable to understand the concept of “goodness” at all.

The “problem” with Superman isn’t his attitude or inherent goodness, or else Chris Evan’s Captain America wouldn’t elicit applause from audiences when he appeared on the screen in Infinity War... it’s that the people responsible for curating Superman have the problem: they are tangibly insecure and awkward, even

Though not done in a single page I feel What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice, and The American Way is also relevant...

It almost makes me wish they’d go back to covering fucking Trump.

If you had seen one of the latest Mission Impossible films, you would know that he can cock his arms like they are guns.

 Oh sweet summer child... you think this will go away? I can guarantee that Snyder Cut zombies will use the release of this movie as fuel to strongarm WB into giving ZS the reigns to the DCEU again.

it’ll be released the day after Trump’s actual actual inauguration, which wasn’t March 4th but merely a false flag to clear out the non-true believers.

yeah but shit gets clicks, dude!

Man from Uncle is much more fun that it should be, in part because of Cavill.

I’ve seen Cavill in The Witcher and he’s fine for the most part. I honestly blame Snyder for why his take on Superman is so bad. 

You nailed one of the biggest problems with DC. None of the actors/actresses are interesting or particularly deep. EVERYONE is pretty and dull, if not straight up bad. Some scenes in multiple Snyder movies were painfully acted. It’s actually shocking to me that people like it.

Margo Robbie is the best actor that plays a character in comic book films.

Fuck that, I want Warner Bros. to give Snyder $70 million every year to make a Snyder cut of any movie he chooses.  Tom & Jerry: The Snyder Cut.  The Meg: The Snyder Cut.  Let’s burn these piles of money to the ground.

The AV Club is so biased. They only dislike this movie because it’s bad.

Come Friday we’re all going to be discussing “The Falcon & The Winter Soldier” goodness anyway, so your wish will soon be granted.