
If this was DeviantArt you would see everything.
And “everything” would haunt your nightmares. 

I was hoping for this Spider-Man story. :-(

Last I checked Google was relying heavily on machine learning to refine Search. In this case, whose account is King going to look at? Yet again, this is the problem with having proud technologically illiterate people forming policy on rapidly developing fields.

I see a few options:

So can we assume that something about how Mindy St. Clair earned her points (dying but her intentions generating massive amounts of points post-death) somehow circumvented whatever is wrong with the Point System? 

So what are the theories for why no one has gotten into The Good Place in 500+ years?
I know Michael is insisting that the Bad Place “Hacked” the accounting department, but do we think thats true?

Perhaps I am latching onto the wrong thing, but when Neil and Michael are talking about Doug the accountant is at first

Golf shoes.
The shoes of the “every man”.
The shoes of the “forgotten man”.
The shoes of the “truly oppressed”.


Sounds like we have a pitch!
James Whitbrook? Get me Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard on the line!

Here’s my pitch for how to proceed with Cabin in the Woods: make it a television series.
Each season focuses on the support staff at the Facility preparing for a ritual, while also showing the backstories of the victims and the monsters that the Facility has trapped.
The last episode(s) of each season becomes the

I realize we aren’t going to change each other’s minds, but I’ll simply say this: When there are only two viable options, you choose the best one. In most cases, the people who have the luxury to “vote their conscious” seem to be people who will lose little to nothing if the worse option wins.
We have children in

When people in the last election said “Trump and Clinton are pretty much the same”, how is that not equivocating them? They are not even on the same planet of horribleness.

And why exactly am I a hypocrite? For voting for the less destructive of two options? Am I a hypocrite because in between watching Ninja Turtles

Who is Juanita Braddock?
Do you mean Juanita Broaddrick? If so, then I’ll make you a deal: I’ll go back in time to 1992 when I was 7 and NOT vote for Bill Clinton, if you go to 2016 and vote for Hilly Clinton. Deal?

In the meantime, I’m glad you didn’t have to deny your conscious.
As this administration keeps going

Comey didn’t cause extreme liberals to talk about how Hillary and Trump “are the same person” or convince anyone to vote for fucking Jill Stein. 

I’ll be honest, I’m kind of torn.
On one hand I want to be kinder and more gentile (excellent word choice by the way!), but on the other hand that is what I tried during the election and it didn’t work.

“Do you really think that Hillary and Trump are identical people? I think that might be an exaggeration. And lets not

Spot. Fucking. On.
2000 Liberals “Al Gore and George W Bush are virtually the same person! And Bush will never win. And even if he does he will be so bad that he will bring about the revolution!”
Eight years, 2 Wars, Tens of Thousands Dead, Trillions of dollars Wasted, Lives Shattered, our LGBT brothers and sisters

Mutant 1: My power is that my abs control electricity. But only when I’m wearing a sports bra.
Mutant 2: I am a telekentic but only in sleeveless shirts.
Mutant 3: The more swole I am the more I can sense the emotions of others. 

And with “Who’s the real racist?”I have now completed my Fucking Idiot Bingo card. Thank you. I can always count on Steelers fans to help me clear the card by 7 am.

What a brave stance you’ve taken for a guy who would spit on you for $5. Did you send Big Ben a picture of this thread? “See Big Ben! See how I defended you from the mean ol’ internet person! LOOOOOOOVE ME!!!!!!! FIRE MIKE TOMLIN - BRING BACK CA’HER!” I bet you’re the kind of douche that takes your Terrible Towel on

“Big Ben” is one of the many reasons I stopped being a Steelers fan.

Are you a rapist that can throw a football pretty well? We’ll accept that.
Are you a black guy that smoked pot? BURN THE WITCH!