“Barthelona,” LOL, you know that’s how he pronounces it...
“Barthelona,” LOL, you know that’s how he pronounces it...
I mean, we have literal evidence that Snyder can’t see the forest for the trees.
Nice piece. I’m a longtime Heat fan and watch them every night. The improvement in Winslow’s shooting — I think — is a product of actually establishing himself as a threat to drive. He’s doing this thing now where (like LeBron) when he commits to the drive he puts his head down and punishes people, and often finishes.…
I’m just glad that Jerry Lewis isn’t around to make this into a movie.
Slovenian mixtapes, can you dig it?!
The best time to learn a second language is when you are young I hear.
“he laughs while also being deadly serious.”
You’d think Reggianna would be a good fit for someone so grating.
Wait a minute. Are we not friends?
The fact that two people read that; thought, “that seems right!;” and starred it makes me very sad.
Also, *gestures at everything else right now* makes me very sad.
Uhhhh what? That is a very weird and nonsensical belief you have. And its completely not true. Perjury applies to all sworn testimony.
This is the correct take. Read the Sports Illustrated article on what a POS this guy and most of his family are,
“please cooperate with our independent investigation, where there are no safe guards that will protect you from being dragged through the mud by our ““”””totally super independent””””” “investigator”, who totally doesn’t have our best interest in mind and doesn’t take how “hurt the accused is” while making his…
When daylight savings time ended, he got an extra hour of jail. I can’t explain the rest.
Right? Who would ever believe a New England Patriot is capable of murder?
your anger brings me strength in these trying times
that’s your main takeaway?
He actually resigned several weeks ago, but he didn’t think he had to report it to the school.
Yes, Chris. We all know that guy. But looking objectively, the guy is a marginal NFL quarterback under the best circumstances. Yeah, sure, he had some success and even pulled off some heroics in the playoffs, when it counts the most. But he comes with so much baggage - the kneeling, the outsized media attention, the…
Which honestly would be true if they didn’t try to portray themselves as the fourth branch of the US Government when it comes to player discipline. It is better not to have a policy than to have a policy and not to follow it.