Chief Justice McReynolds

He’s champing at the bit to get another chance.

Man, John’s gotta have a long face watching another one of his draft picks bust.

What I’m saying is, there were actually TWO monsters....and one WAS named Frankenstein.

Of all the dumb stories about the Browns, this one might be the worst/best.

This isn’t just an NCAA thing. This is an accreditation thing. In February of last year, they got a one-year warning sanction for student support systems, control of intercollegiate athletics and institutional environment. Obviously, that year has lapsed, but the accreditor is paying attention.

Jesus Christ.

I am clearly insane. Over the last 18 months I’ve said to myself “There is no way that’s true. People/president/person wouldn’t do that” no less than 400 times. When drawing my line of disbelief I may as well be doing it in coke at Darryl Strawberry’s house. I make a line, I look away and *poof* it’s gone. 

You forgot more prayer.

Guess which one of those 3 will see actual progress in implementation in the United States.

As someone who does...I don’t LIKE your statement, but I also can’t totally disagree.

If you go by DJ as an adult you deserve all the bad things that happen to you. 


Looking forward to it

Why can’t my dog sit just outside the restaurant patio?”

It’s a much better video if you pretend he’s tiny, and they’re on a red ping pong table.

It is partly the training staffs fault, how you don’t know heat stroke as a trained medical professional is beyond me. If anyone ever came close to passing out or looking drowsy during a field exercise (Army) we’d remove them from the situation, take their gear off, sit in the shade/AC, drink water, ice sheets, and/or

You better believe he has a nice fat contract that protects him in case of being fired. No way he is at-will.

While we’re at it, let’s remember that Bear Bryant freely admitted his regret for most of the hard-ass stuff that made him initially famous. He also admitted being too slow to integrate. These assholes need to think about the kind of coach Bryant became. Among other things, he’d sit down with his staff and ask for

Well there you have it. Marine boot camp in the era of Full Metal Jacket = safer than the University of Maryland training facilities.

Even when I was in Marine boot camp in the 80's they didn’t do anything that reaches the level of the shit they did at Maryland.  In fact, even then, there were strict rules in place protecting recruits from being terrorized in that way.