Chief Justice McReynolds

Nothing good happens after 9:30.

Isn’t the job description of PGA of America professionals literally to deal with hackers?

Bitty Coyne was kicked out of Ladies Day in 1957 for being of New York stock, hint hint.

Way to go hackers, it’s going to take the PGA forever to come up with replacement tournament logos featuring a trophy surrounded by two golf clubs.

The 90-year-olds at the PGA responded with, “What’s a bitty coin?”

I must confess, I’m torn.

Right. He shat on the union to get to the majors and then wanted them to back him up. 

Don’t cross a picket line.

Yeah, I’m surprised by McKenna’s content but I guess it’s to his credit that it’s not in lockstep with Deadspin generally. First his campaign to humiliate a bunch of crappy high school football players for not wanting to get concussed to death by IMG Baltimore, now anti-union stuff.

That is kind of what happens to scabs. 

Yeah but if Chris Christie were an ice cream flavor, he'd be pralines and dick.  So fuck him too.

And yet Jared holds a grudge against Chris Christie, because clearly Christie was the bad actor, not Kushner Sr.

I’d prefer if the articles did that with a little more copyediting but the sentiment is there

I feel like it should be a law that any time Jared Kushner’s father is referenced, the article must also mention that he partially went to jail because he sent his sister a tape showing her husband, William Schulder. Wirh a prostitute hired by Charles Kushner in a scheme to discredit his brother-in-law, who was

A short debate: No.

So Trump is DEFINITELY going to go to this warehouse and make some speech about animals destroying our amazing economy and how these workers should be lynched (but not in a racist way). Meanwhile, Democrats will wring their hands and say they support the message of the workers but not the incivility of walking out on

No weapon_s_.  You’re allowed to have one.

No, weapons.

It’s always nice to see a new coach who acknowledges his program’s traditions. 

Little angry there Dave?