Chief Justice McReynolds

I can’t even give that a plus one, but yikes!

Are you new? This is the site that has regular posts about what various bears are up to.

“You have him turn around so he can have deniability!”

The Jets will trade up, draft Lamar Jackson, and then make him a converted WR.


I’m sorry brother but this is America, the land of getting spectacularly lit on the golf course

Haha. That is a phenomenal headline. Well done, Emma

Meh, you can call a friend that has 5 people that you don’t actually know who maybe have never sold drugs to a millionaire executive.

That’s a very realistic take and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s correct.

Now? We’ve been shitting on Cornell since Lucy walked this Earth.

The only knock on Penn hosting the Ivy League tournament is that it might make sense to have it at an Ivy League school.

I suppose you want to take my baby’s gun away too.

Let’s not be too quick to judge Ms. DeVos. Maybe her plan was to meet with three people, then each of those people would meet with three more people, and so on and so on.

Holy shit, it would be amazing. As I write this, I guarantee someone has been in a psychiatric unit somewhere in the metro for over 100 days waiting for a state facility to open up. And then there’s ALWAYS a bunch of folks waiting for that rehab to have a bed. And then there’s the person who’s feeling like maybe they

Yes, it absolutely would.

That’s a fresh tomato sauce, and absolutely nothing like Rao’s. Nothing wrong with fresh tomato sauce for some occasions, but it in no manner is the same kind of sauce as a premium jarred sauce that has been cooked for hours on end.

Some of us choose not to do stuff like that in order to show some damn respect.

Oh good, the Michigan State child sexual assault fan rears his head again. We get it, dude, you think Tom Izzo is God.

I hesitate to speculate on a reason for the cut...BUT a glance at the Wasserman team page seems to reveal a bunch of lame ass nerd-looking mother fuckers working there.