the whole thing a viral marketing campaign by the Reputation Doctor (TM) to generate business?!? the whole thing a viral marketing campaign by the Reputation Doctor (TM) to generate business?!?
DeMaurice Smith has got to go. A fine litigator, but he’s an absolute clown as a labor group rep.
Centuries from now, school kids will learn about the Conference Call Schism of 2018 and “Il Papa Schnatter’s,” an Avignon-based franchise that pizza lovers will conveniently forget ever existed.
One-and-a-half hundreds
Well said.
The prison system is a hellish nightmare and a stain on the nation. Nassar’s claims here may or may not be credible, but he can take a fucking number and get in line behind the millions of other prisoners and convicted people asking for criminal justice reform before I’ll bother to think about it.
Elon Musk managed to embarass himself in a dispute involving a Seeking Alpha-posting Montana investment banker, and a billionaire with a family office. Truly impressive.
Does this mean Djokovic is sleeping in the egg pod again?
in my experience, most people eager for violent revolutions haven’t seen a civil war up close
unfortunately, it seems to work pretty well in all the other industries too
“One of the great arbitrages in finance—in life—is being immune to embarrassment.” - an old banking proverb
Jack Welch (of all people) termed shareholder value theory “the dumbest idea in the world,” and he wasn’t wrong.
[dusts off Gulf War II Most Wanted playing cards]
Veterans, with good reason, tend to be pretty savvy about bullshit authority figures and organizations. Plenty of guys who’d gladly lose limbs for their country would scramble for a doorway to avoid saluting during the flag lowering.
[minutes before tipoff]
Not nearly galaxy-brained enough. Now Enes Kanter on the other hand... I’m convinced LeBron’s written off 2019 and is just trying to start fights with the Warriors.
Revis’s childhood friend showing up out of the woodwork to take the charges for punching out two guys remains one of my favorite athlete legal stories. HOF friend for sure.
Hopefully whey ins will help catch the munsters.
Truly the Most Dangerous Game.
It’s 2018 so I’m expecting a new “You come at the Colonel, you best not miss” KFC commercial by this time next week.