
It’s crazy how Sabine has basically failed at every task she’s had, yet she’s still somehow not faced any consequences of her actions.

Minor She-Hulk spoilers:

Rhodey was likely abducted immediately after Captain America: Civil War. All of the freed subjects were in whatever they were wearing when they were taken, and he was in a hospital gown. It would be odd for them to put him in a hospital gown as a random event, and the only time we’ve seen him in the hospital was after

I love how the first “Mandalorians just hanging out” we got this season was of the “Cult” sparring, practicing with jetpacks, shooting flamethrowers at each other, etc. Then this week we get the “’pureblood’ Mandalorians just hanging out” and they’re...playing...catch.

The Purge series is the 20-teens’ version of Idiocracy. I guess we should all figure out what Forever Purge is trying to tell us about the next 5-10 years...

I saw this story’s headline and photo before I saw the movie, so I was unfortunately hit by the “half spoiler in the title” thing that’s so hot right now.

I loved everything about the movie except Shuri’s sudden change of heart at the very end. She was just so one-sidedly onboard with killing Namor, and then was just like “nevermind, let’s be friends and we’ll protect you forever.”

As a Black dude who loves Star Wars: the episode was great, but I can’t not notice that the only two Rebels killed off unceremoniously...were the Black dudes.

As interesting as this idea is, I’m not sure it really fits in with Yautja sensibilities. They’re not really about vengeance - they’ve established since Predator 2 that they respect warriors, and SPOILERS FROM HERE ON Naru beat the Predator in a fair fight.

I’m really hoping that it’s just a different Grand Inquisitor. This guy doesn’t look anything like the Grand Inquisitor from Rebels, and it’d be so awesome if they got Jason Isaacs to come play the live action role for which he did voice acting.

I like everything about this show so far, including Reva, except this.

It’s both fantastic that this movie had such a profound impact on you and remarkable how the same thing can signify two completely different things for two different people.

The Predator movies have ALWAYS really been about the “prey,” so I’m not sure how this will refresh the series, aside from the cool time switch.

I was so underwhelmed by Season 3, I thought up until seeing the headline for this article this show had been canceled. I’ll watch it because I pay for HBO Max, but not...because I think it’ll be good.

I hope that this newest fight will be more “battlefield of the mind” than actual, literal duel. Showrunners these days always think they’re doing fans a favor by doing stupid shit like retconning established timelines or taking off Master Chief’s helmet. Then they’re surprised that no one liked it.

“The Fast and Furious Biker Boyz of Miami’s Vice Squad”, featuring Phil Collins.

It’s almost as if they knew when filming that we’d all be bored to death by episode 4, so they started making episodes about other people. I wouldn’t mind a Max Rebo episode next week.

I was really pleased that the legacy villains got a good amount of screen time. I expected the trailers to be lying, and getting us all excited for five minutes in the movie.

News websites stopped dancing around it opening weekend. I didn’t get to see it until Christmas because of work, but I already accidentally knew the major plot points just by getting push notifications from “news” websites with titles like:

Nothing will fix your suspicion that the government is run by the Illuminati like actually working for the government. Everyone that works in any super-secret agency / the military / politics / legal fields is just as normal as everyone else - they complain about traffic, pull on doors that clearly say “push,” and