
Are you seriously trying to legitimize a national “publication” posting this porrly disguised diatribe against the evils of autopilot because the fire took a long time to extinguish and there was no one in the driver’s seat when the police arrived? You think those are more noteworthy than a mother a three children

It’s being called out because Jalopnik writers seemingly make bonuses based on the number of Tesla hit pieces they can write. I actually live in this neighborhood, and you’re right. There is nowhere that you can drive fast enough to get wrapped around a tree unless you’re purposely being a jackass. And based on how my

This article is trash. Jalopnik used to be the place to go to get unbiased and informative car news. Sad to see that you all just waste your weekends trawling local news websites for Tesla crashes now.

Kids these days can’t even cry their way through figuring out how Optimus Prime transforms anymore. When I had the original toy (with trailer), I had to transform Optimus Prime seven miles uphill through foot-high snow. Both ways!

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Good on you, Kotaku, for recognizing an amusing throwaway line for what it was, rather than trying to impart any hidden meaning on it.

I watched it last night. It’s better in the sense that it actually gives the characters motivation for doing what they do. Especially Steppenwolf, Cyborg, and Flash. A lot of overindulgence though. A lot. If I had film editing software and a tool to reverse slow motion scenes, I could probably cut at least an hour out

I watched it last night. It’s better in the sense that it actually gives the characters motivation for doing what they do. Especially Steppenwolf, Cyborg, and Flash. A lot of overindulgence though. A lot. If I had film editing software and a tool to reverse slow motion scenes, I could probably cut at least an hour out

I think this is a great rule. In law school, they gave us a word limit on papers - usually 10,000 words. Every professor made it clear that they would stop reading at word 10,001. Writing 10,000 words is easy when you just vomit up everything you know. Saying in 6,000 words what you just said in 10,000 is much more

The original Justice League, like Batman v. Superman that came before it, were shit. This remake was ok - definitely not worth the extra effort. Here, WB’s bad habit of getting in its own way was eclipsed only by Zach Snyder’s terrible habits of overusing slow motion shots, including overly long lingering shots on

Jesus Christ, is this really what we’re complaining about?? That people who make more than $80,000 per year won’t be eligible for a $1,400 check? We went from rightfully complaining about a racist, traitorous president who ignores a pandemic but gets his family vaccinated on the way out the door to bitching that the

My biggest issue with a lot of the black superheroes is that they’re derivative takes on existing heroes. If they’re not, they’re B-level heroes at best. Miles Morales, Black Captain America (The Falcon), John Stewart and War Machine are all thought exercises in “what if X hero were black instead?” On the other hand,

I’m all for limited government, but helping citizens in a life-threatening situation is the bare-minimum, original social contract for which government was developed. I pay the king taxes and agree to his rules, he protects me from harm so I can grow my crops in peace. In more modern terms, I agree to stop siphoning

Why are we all acting like taxes aren’t the real enemy here? Why is it that the IRS gets a cut of my pay when I get paid, then gets a cut of that same money if I give it to my kid? It’s bullshit. Plus, we should all remember that those dollars are paying for Trump’s golf trips. And honestly, I’d rather Robert buy

Good for him. I just hope neither Ocean Spray nor Fleetwood Mac pulls a dick move and sues him over copyright infringement. I don’t foresee that, but hey, 2020.

Hoaxes can be surprises

I, meanwhile, have been waiting for Tampa Bay to not suck for almost 20 years. When Tom Brady came onboard, I thought I’d finally have a chance to brag in my group chat. We all see how that’s going so far...

You’re mixing arguments. It is not a fallacy that his legislation has mostly failed, or that he has been on the losing end of many famous Congressional votes. I’m not arguing for or against the goodness of his policies. I’m stating that, for all his talk, he hasn’t accomplished anything. But I take your point on that

So based on your first paragraph alone:

Remember when Sanders accomplished any governmental initiative he’s ever pushed for?

I don’t understand the US electorate. Sanders had a heart attack before primary voting even started, and people think that’ll just be ignored in the general election by this trash president and his trash supporters. Last time around they were giving Hilary shit about being unfit to run because she coughed after a