
Seriously. Guys, the Roku is doing exactly what we’ve asked carriers, media companies, and well, The Media to do for years. And it’s something they’ve all gotten very bad at: just provide the goods. We’ll decide what we want to consume. Don’t limit the shows, don’t limit the data speeds, and don’t editorialize on the

Thankfully Roku owners can choose whether or not to have these channels display on their home screen. So there’s that. That’s probably good enough for your average user. I never knew these channels existed until I read this article. I’ll probably forget about them before the end of the day.

Does it not surprise you that I also hate big trucks?

This isn’t a white thing. No one said a snitch is a hero. Necessary, but not a hero. I’m all for criminal justice reform. It’s an issue that is vastly is underrepresented the political world on both sides. But the “snitches get stitches” culture is just plain wrong any way you slice it. You’re allowing criminal

Don’t shame “snitching”. Exposing criminals is in the interest of society as a whole, and we want more people to come forward, not less. Yes, we’re talking about a garbage person, but the information he provides is valuable. And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don't

Please don’t take my post as an attack either, I hope you guys can find the funding to keep this network going. It’s great for a few laughs in the morning, kinda like visiting an insane asylum and watching the crazies for a bit then on with my day.

Was this post made to hamfist in a Orange Man Bad quota post? Great writing, you must be proud.

And tomorrow, they’ll get driven to school in their SUVs, drink their waters from plastic bottles, and waste electricity watching TV and playing video games.

Yup. You want to see ‘globalism’? Just go to Walmart and pick up any merchandise and see where they are made.

Replace “republicans” with “politicians”. We the sheeple of America get the leaders we deserve. People aren’t shooting people because guns are suddenly more available. It’s because hate is stoked on every side. Being a peacemaker is seen as weak and until we glorify peacemaking and collaboration over divisive thinking

No one buying a C8 is cross shopping it against anything.  They’re buying corvettes because the WANT a corvette.

What about the droid attack on the wookies? It’s a system we cannot afford to lose, and yet you chose to write about this particular tragedy instead.

It’s not manual, not brown and not a wagon.  So, there.

LOL. I don’t know enough about the Baldwin brothers to know if the comments should be taken this way, but I read it as a dad and uncle goofily giving their daughter/niece a hard time online, and as a dad I find that hilarious. Please don’t let me know if either of their character’s should have me creeped out/offended

I think that’s true and very different from saying they are inherently good. 

The UAW kind of sucks, but it is still a union, and therefore inherently good.”

Yesssss. Another article where a bunch of people angry that they’ll never be able to afford a Corvette tell us all the faults of the new Corvette before it’s actually released!

Could also be a security measure. If they get captured they can’t be used for very long.

Of course you do. Everyone must provide the most support possible to what you like, and revile the same things you dislike.

Please provide one example of how they are “homophobic”. There’s a pretty big difference between supporting traditional marriage due to your religious convictions and being a homophobe or a bigot.