
that’s a lot of words when you could’ve just said “I’d suck Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s dick any time, any place.”

Looks like they last minute just stuck a big touchscreen on there and said fuck it... How is that revolutionary? Most people would prefer a few buttons/knobs for hvac/audio and a dedicated speedometer rather than a touchscreen for everything.

A screen is... revolutionary? :\

so they are trusting that a car must fit exactly in that spot or aka only TESLA with no modification? Also it will need to sit perfectly still on the lift, some people can’t even obey the foot off brake, car in neutral in car wash and you expect them to not touch anything in a dropping elevator to a hell pit?

Honestly the ingredients aren’t far off of how I cook all the time. A meatloaf will have bread crumbs and various seasonings that contain most of the same additives. I never understand the people who only want “100% beef.” They’re missing all the flavor.

But those are *chemicals* and that’s scary! Everyone knows that a long hard-to-pronounce name is synonymous with poison!

Really though, as a scientist, I’ve learned not to judge an additive by its name. Just because you don’t know what it is doesn’t mean it isn’t ‘food.’

Hey if you can’t get past the stereotypes, that is your problem. To me, it has a great legacy and it’s a joy to drive.

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

Maybe it’s because I have a degree in compsci and math, but I was really hoping this article would end with an actual number (“7 times per month”) based on the headline instead of a big wishy-washy “It depends”

Look man.... I don’t like it any more than yo do, but I’m in too deep at this point. Two...okay three more videos and then after launch, no one will talk about this car ever again. I promise :D

You know what the next article will be right?

LOL confusion for others walking/driving by my car, not for me. I’m a caring guy, I suppose.