
Sincere respect? So sinking to someone’s level is the way to get things done now? It’s strange that we can justify any behavior we want when it’s our own. 

Sharing your disgusting habit - banning abortion.

HUH? That’s a habit? 

Hey man, I’m just quoting you. “if you can walk on it your car should be able to drive on it”. I’m aware that force and pressure are not the same. 

I’m confused. She’s talking about Carol’s rising popularity among comic book fans but I’m reading stories showing a 70% drop in the sales of the Captain Marvel comic book. They keep trying to relaunch the character to pump up the sales, but the interest never gets past the first issue.
Sales dropped 72% with the

Sweet, so if I drop my tire pressure to 16psi that means I can run over you and it will be no more harmful than walking on you. If I can walk on you, I should be able to drive on you.......

Yes, all Trump supporters are inherently evil and should be punished/killed as retribution. Fight the good fight brother! Our cause is just and true!

What a depressing post.

Oh yeah, the mean streets of Grosse Pointe Park, MI. Way to keep it real in that double the median household income of Michigan city. Racism runs rampant against minorities in Michigan. It’s a real race war here for the last 40 years. UGH

So we went from power to racism? Yeah, racism exists. Whites against blacks, blacks against whites, everyone hates everyone and the media feeds that feeling. Cherry picking your stories shows nothing about an imbalance of power (your original comment). White people tend to dominate groups open to everyone. Maybe

Or the literature and sales person will just be able to say “295 foot pounds of torque”. Not a secret but so many don’t seem to know - they teach the metric system in American schools. Shocker!

I think the fanboys have been pissy more with the comments of the lead in the movie as opposed to being pissy about the movie itself. Maybe I’m reading the room wrong though.

Well, I live in the outskirts of Detroit, so funny you should mention that. I work side by side with black people, white people, indian people, chinese people, and we all get along and hang out at work and outside of work. Differing ages as well. From 30 to 60 years old. We all work at the same place, we’re all

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Trump’s daughter is not an excuse for someone else’s behavior. Maybe stay on task and address the story in its own right. “yeah but” arguments are the weakest arguments of all.

Black people do not have as much power. What kind of power are you talking about? This is a genuine question, not a challenge or being snarky. When I look at what a black person has the capability to accomplish in America, I’m not sure what power they are lacking. I see many successful black people that have come from

Any means necessary. Interesting.

Maybe just answer the question instead of evading.

What an amazing apology. Don’t apologize for the one thing you were mistaken about, instead deflect and justify your actions by citing other things these kids have done.
I guess it’s like when a cop shoots a black teen and is clearly in the wrong, but then they bring up that teen’s past as justification as to why the

I was always partial to the Pontiac Banshee

Okay, but what does that have to do with AOC not being fiscally responsible in her own life. Regardless of what others do, it seems one might be better with money by age 30. Obviously there are sides here and you’re in a certain camp, but I have no doubt you’d sing a different song if the roles were reversed and some

Is there a “black persons guide to making white people nervous”?
This story oozes racist overtones. I’m down for reporting on white people being assholes, but the way you went about it doesn’t really do anything to help the problem, it just furthers the divide. Disappointing.