Chickity China

“You can’t race if there is no earth to race on.”

...“you’re not that good” is an incredibly weak insult.

If ever there was a time for a cop to fucking off someone it was here.

-1 white blood cell

Just more evidence that Charlie Villanueva is a cancer on the league.

This story is too normal to be reported on by Deadspin. Are there pics of one of them hitting someone in the balls?

I’m no expert, but it looks like she may need three helmets.

You could transport this whiteboard to any early-2000s garage rock band’s record label’s A&R department conference room.

I refuse to believe that Simmons did not consider Cobra Kai.

Nope, those are his readers.

They quickly realized “The Homers” was going to be a trademark nightmare.

The apology has already made the new Top Gear worse than the old.

Jemma has a better breakaway than the Knicks.

This is a Good Baby.

One of my friend’s kids was there. He made it onto Instagram:

That baby traveled.

Why would use a shitload of electricity to extract energy for another source and create hydrogen while you can just store that electricity directly in a battery ? It’s just as silly as making fuel from corn.

That doesn’t make it untrue.

Poor fundamentals! Curry will never make it anywhere with this playing style.