Chickity China

I think to some degree he is insinuating that WTA administration is crap and that in a better situation, the popularity of its players would be better exploited for the betterment of the league. That the popularity bump the sport as a whole received in from Fed and Rafa has done more for the WTA’s success than the

Another teen running off to join ISIS smh

...that murder students, mug them, bash them with hammers, assault them, etc. Go back to Gawker. The neighborhood is garbage and dangerous by any empirical sense.

A greater portion of rail funding should be user-pays. It’s ridiculously expensive and is just incompatible with the current economic climate. Pay the real costs if you want it. Fine with the HWTF donating a portion for the cause, as it does, but rail expansion at rate people want it will have to come from increased

They should just play with two pucks, viola!

Fuckin Aubrey

40 million would pay for maybe 6 inches of subway. This is literally a rounding error’s worth of transportation budget.

I don’t know how I feel about #swag and bravado in a game where even the best hitters only suceed 3/10 times. Baseball is a game of failure. Feel free to hate on my terrible take.

It’s not like my man was handing free drinks to the homeless. Dude was comping for people who could already afford the food. If you can carve out some ihop in your budget, you can buy the drink.

Blame gamblers for the unnecessary need to get every call perfect. Some calls are better left botched.

People who complain about what they can or can’t wear in driver license photos need to be put down. They are a special kind of insufferable.

The first player to dab after a homer, I hope they get beaned in the face.

Dont these idiots realize that the left lane isn’t any faster if they only go 60mph?

Problem is even if you do intercept a short range nuke you still might wind up dirty bombing the region. There is really no good outcome there.

People who do absolutely nothing tell an athlete who has trained the last 4 years to boycott... If they, the ones who actually will be competing, want to boycott, then they can make than on an individual by individual basis.

“They’re all pink on the inside” - Jerry Sandusky

*mormons internally*

HA HA HA the asians and latinos are too busy studying and working hard and progressing themselves. They don’t need Black activism, nor do they want it.

He traveled

Wait til the kid finds out it was born from a dead woman’s cooch!