
Parenting goal for me is to focus on raising a competent child, not a clever child. If they want to be clever, that’s on them. I am covering the bare minimum here. I have no time for over parenting and passive aggressive ways to raise manipulative kids.

She should have been Time’s “Person of the Year”. She literally changed the game on the US political trajectory.

Okay, so, in a related vein, let me ask you this: I read a letter on Slate’s Care and Feeding where a parent was all upset that their kid followed directions.

As an engineer, I have found that asking people who know how to do things that I don’t know how to do is a really fantastic way to not waste hours teaching myself how to do it.

Right.  Usually “teachable moments” involve teaching.

Teaching her how to do something can simply mean, you know, just showing her how to use a can opener. It takes 10 seconds and is a great lesson. In fact, no joke, I remember when my own dad showed me how to open a can of diced tomatoes. Guess what, it worked, because afterwards I always could open cans and am now a

I love her so much and truly appreciate what she has done in the state of Georgia.  She had a vision and used real strategy to get there, and strategy that other Democrats didn’t see so well.  Maybe the Democrats will see, it’s too difficult to win over Independents, or Democrats who voted for 45.  It’s far easier to

I have no patience for people on the left who criticize her, when you dedicate years and years in order to reach out to people, which many politicians don't do, and to simply not giving up despite all odds, it's simply a sight to witness. 

This is a woman who has a grand moment of inspiration and then follows through with it.

I cannot say this enough: Josh Hawley does not live or even own property in Missouri. He is fraudulently registered to vote at his sister’s house to be eligible for his seat.

I don’t understand how every day there’s a new moron emerging from the woodwork. Surely there can’t be that many of them?

I love all these GOP “stars” who think they can just pick up where Trump left off. Trump’s support came from people who liked that he’s rich, famous and tells it like it is (in their minds, anyway). But sure, one of these jars of expired store brand mayonnaise like Tom Cotton will be able to replicate that. Sure, good

Check out the hustle on Hawley over here, having Cruz hold his beer while he proves yet again that even the best education money can buy can’t cure a serious case of Dipshit.

So even Mitch naively thinks there’s some limit to what the post-Tea Party GOP voter base will regard as “too far” when Hawley is just a young Mitch veing someone who started off presenting “moderate Republican” for their time period and then lurching to the extreme right so fast it’d set off speed cameras.

When even Mitch McConnell is like “Be quiet, asshole, these are lies,” a person really should probably look at their life and choices.”

I love how a girlfriend’s highly specific and unprompted statement, corroborated by a lawyer who also represented the alleged bomb builder, that the guy was building bombs in an identified location is seen as insufficient for a warrant to search said location, but...

I too have acquired entirely too many plants during quarantine. They all have names too. While putzing in the garden in the spring and summer is my go-to stress reliever, somehow creating plant families on walls indoors is where it’s at. My girl Pearl needs a haircut as she is dipping dangerously low in cat territory.

So it’s interesting, I’ve been a stay at home mom for 10 years. And the reason that I became a stay at home mom was I was tired of bullshit jobs and US work culture. I originally majored in writing, hoping to be a writer. But even 17 years ago when I graduated, people only wanted to hire writers for free or nearly

It’s really hard to shake that If You’re Upright, You Should Be At Work mentality. I’ve gotten better, and being hourly is fine with me, because I don’t have to give my employer a second they aren’t paying me for.

Thank you! St. John here we come. We are bringing our snorkel gear and hoping to go on long hikes. I desperately need a change of scenery.