Chicken of Tomorrow

That's just a randomized username the Disqus system automatically created for you. It's no different than if you'd created the account manually and typed in your own username.

It would be like it is now PLUS all the extra javascript and HTML for the Kinja comments. So, no, not like now.

I've been thinking more about this and, actually, yes they could keep Disqus as a commenting platform while using Kinja as a CMS. Just don't use Kinja comments. Publish all you like from the back-end, but leave the front-end alone.

I give them my precious, precious clicks.

I don't think I've ever, ever heard somebody say one nice thing about Kinja.

I should clarify, it will be duplicated in Kinja. As far as I know if you create a Kinja account you won't lose your Disqus account.

I think you should be fine. Your old AV Club account was merged into a Disqus account. So all the data that is in your current Disqus account will now be moved to Kinja.

And that's fine, and as you stated it was your responsibility as mods of this community to migrate the comments. If you can't move the upvotes then you can't do it, but don't imply that we should be grateful for getting less than we currently have.

I call Queef Latina!

Their organization decided to make this change, so I don't appreciate the snark in the FAQ about how hard it is to migrate all the old comments and the implication that we should be grateful for even that much.

"so cut us some slack on this one"

As a web developer, that would be an utter nightmare for the users. Disqus requires 3rd-party javascript to run which has to be loaded on top of an already bloated website running 3rd-party advertising. If you're loading the page on a mobile device, you'd be using data to load both Disqus AND Kinja, which is a big

SERIOUS QUESTION: Wouldn't burner accounts encourage rather than control the increasing number of trolls appearing on the site? If a harasser or spammer can just create a new burner every time they get moderated, what's the point?

How can something be simultaneously regressive and ultra-progressive (i.e. Bernie Bro)?

I am NOT having my dick pics traced back to me AGAIN.

Possibly. Which part?

What's a "kinja"?

As long as pictures were hidden/collapsed by default I'd be fine with it.

And with good cause!

Wait, ASMR is a thing one HAS?