Chicken of Tomorrow

Nice kinkshaming, AV Club.


Would you like to buy a monkey?

It heartens me that your sensible words always seem to rise to the top of the thread on these feministically hotbutton articles, MLA.

To paraphrase Mr Plinkitt, kids don't want to be 7-year-old Anakin Skywalker, they want to be Han Solo.

It's not a good movie by a long shot, but he's made far worse films.

As someone who hated Hook when I first saw it but really like it now, I think it is far from Spielberg's worst. My votes would be: War Horse, Munich, or Empire of the Sun (I haven't seen the Indiana Jones abomination).

Everybody's looking for something bad to say about this song.

The AV Club
Weird Brazilian memes


This whole time I thought y'all were doing Tom Waits lyrics.

Were there butts?

🎶 Oh holy bomb / oh holy and almighty bomb 🎶

I love you, Powerthirteen!

I don't know, Powerthirteen, movie stardom is just so hollow.

From the other end it seems like a shitload of work for the AVC staff, who were never that involved in moderation to begin with. If I was an AVC writer I'd be pissed at having the extra workload of comment moderation dropped in my lap.

Who's the versus?


This comment is inappropriate.

My mind first went to Duck Dynasty and I was very confused.