Chicken of Tomorrow

Mockery is how I was taught to show love!

Teti was always a big supporter of us. Boy I miss that wonderful silly man.

I first came here for the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews. If I had one wish it would be for Rappin_Jake_Sisko to play us off.

My next mission is to catch that wiley Beer Baron!

I never waste an opportunity to act superior about stupid shit on the internet, so clearly I'm a veteran of these parts.

Um, the cookie monster eyes are a 'shop. You literally posted the exact same photo without the eyes higher in the article.

No self-respecting Seattleite gets their coffee from Starbucks.

I loved the scenes when Hardy really got into high gear as the pieces fell into place. Tennant did a great job keeping the energy in the scenes alive. I loved the bit where he whacks Miller's knee just before going back into an interrogation. It's those little bits of business that really take a scene over the top.


I don't really give a shit either way, I just thought it was a thought-provoking perspective.

only if you wear the muzzle

Well that's the point, separately the individual channel might be prohibitively expensive so people wouldn't pay for it therefore the channel would fail where it would succeed as part of a bundle.

So would you say that Colorado is

just like every other marriage

Planet Money made an interesting episode about how channel bundling actually helps smaller indie or niche channels break into the market. But the new era of streaming services is making it harder for channels like that to stay afloat.

Wow that's not the direction I expected that story to go. You've melted my cold, cynical heart, you have.

Really! Well that is simultaneously unnecessarily complicated AND incredibly inconvenient. You'll fit right in at Kinja.

Oh lord no, they burned to husks long ago.

At any rate the whole idea of having two separate, simultaneous commenting systems on a website is enough to make any UX designer bleed from her eyes.

So even after the Kinja migration your Disqus username will STILL be "@avclub-75a554e…etc."