Chicken of Tomorrow

Muslims are pretty heavily discriminated against in Southeast Asia after they were forced out of India. The Myanmar government is currently committing genocide on a Muslim ethnic group there.

We wouldn't want to propulgate allot of nonsense.

I'm sure I have no idea about the demographics of the commetariat.

If Rush Hour 1 leaves Philadelphia at 1:45 traveling at 60 MPH and Rush Hour 2 leaves Hartford at 3:00 traveling at 40 MPH, how many more Chris Tucker films will we have to watch by the time Jackie Chan arrives at the station?

Bro, do you even Insta?

That's not CPR, it's an orgy.

Mine hit at the classic "nerdy dadbody guy gets the mega hot chick".

They've got barely-clothed Zac Efron and Dwayne Johnson and you choose Zac Efron?

They're much more popular in the UK for some reason. I guess the US market figures if a consumer wants a 5th door they'll want to buy a full-on SUV instead.

Meanwhile, the staff of The AV Club remains as white as the driven snow.

What we need is a pope…who's young.

Leave it to Entertainment Weekly to ruin every photograph ever taken of anything we care about.

An R-rated Wolverine movie? Cripes!!!

I'm mostly interested to note that Tom Hanks apparently signs his name with a calligraphy pen.

Each of my responses began with "Misleading question."

Or multiple-subject questions, like "Do you believe the media uses slurs instead of facts to attack Republicans?"

Use of a VPN might not be a bad idea, either.

That's…not a question in the survey?

I wondered if I should just use the yes/no boxes so it would look better on the bar graph they will inevitably point to but I couldn't resist using the other boxes.

Cool story, bro.