Chicken of Tomorrow

If you look up odelay in the Becktionary, there's a picture of Beck.

Look, nobody likes being confronted with the backend when they're not prepared for it.

It has a steady supply of meat and meat-based products.

I'm gonna just go ahead and say it: Caddyshack is a terrible, unfunny film.

Or a group of insects defending their colony against a horde of locusts?

Beowulf was mostly effects for effects sake.

You get a gold star today for the header image, AV Club.

Also, what's the deal with airline food?

Oh, hello Alien Jesus, nice lawn you got here. Mind if I spend some time on it?

Upvote for horchata and rum. I gotta try that.

A nice, crisp American pale ale is my default, especially on FTS days.

Rooster, that punk?! You get your moon rock from ol' Diamond Joe, he'll treat you right.

Is it?

The Hawks o-line is composed of scraps of crumpled up waste paper, so yeah, it'll basically come down to which team has the better kicker and/or hail mary passer.


Fucking Asshole Questions

I want to thank Alan Moore for standing up and saying what needed to be said. Not only was it authentic North England gibberish, it expressed courage little seen in this day and age.

I’m a really big fan of yours, John, you have a lot of talent and charisma. I imagine being editor-in-chief one has to focus more on administrative duties over producing content, so I’m happy you’ve made a change in your career that will allow you to create more. I try to keep abreast of projects you’re involved with,

I too would like to express my fondness for this particular, uh, sports column.

My wife, Elanor.