Chicken of Tomorrow

…of the Mongolian restaurant down the street.

A Bea bit my bottom and now my bottom's big!

The capitalization choices in this comment are perplexing.

Talk about click bait!


I never seem to make it to the ending credits with these things.

If there's no fucking or cursing, I'm not interested.

I was turned off when I heard "YA", and when they name-checked GRRM I just gave up altogether.

Yeah, given the nature of the site, I'd expect more book reviews in the Fantasy & Sci Fi genres than we actually get.

My wife, Elanor.

Oh what fresh hell is this, The AV Club?

Are you saying that Xanderpuss is a Nih?

You knew you were in for an enjoyable evening at home when the Orion logo showed up.

The "wigga wigga" Viacom is a staple of my childhood when I watched a lot of Nick at Nite.

The guy who made the Room 237 documentary made a short film about a traumatic logo called The S From Hell:

Kenny G plays a soprano saxophone, AV Club. Don't sully the good name of the humble clarinet.

Ms. Nichols has a great voice, but boy did those musical interludes in the TOS episodes drag. They're like the songs in Shakespeare plays.


They'll go on the Tonight Show to plug it.

If anyone besides Yoko Ono were to ask the bartender for "a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man's hat", it would be Werner Herzog.