Chicken of Tomorrow

I mean, what good are poor people if we can't mercilessly exploit them?

It's a shame when bands are hamstrung by silly marketing ploys.

Dear SisterMaryFrancis STOP Your calls and letters are becoming a nuisance STOP If you do not cease, I will be forced to pursue legal action STOP Signed, Anna Kendrick, Hollywood, California


Don't stop believin' that we'll one day learn to tell the difference between Journey and Boston.

I once bought some chorizo that had "lymph nodes" listed right on the ingredients list. I ate it anyway.

Back in Vegas we used to call that "neathage".

How do you keep an AV Club commenter busy for hours? Put an upside-down message on a smartphone with screen rotate enabled.

Journey, Boston, it can be any way you want it.

The irony is that people don't really buy pumpkin-flavored products because of the pumpkin, they buy it because they like the pumpkin spice. The pumpkin is just a transportation system for cinnamon, nutmeg, and brown sugar.

I picture him as Julia's boyfriend in The Wedding Singer, pulling up in his Delorean blasting the Miami Vice theme song.


The AV Club

That, to me, is the perfect metaphor for gentrification.

Boy you really made a monkey out of yourself, there.

Fiona Staples is my illustration hero. Her work on Saga is flat-out incredible.

#4 will plague you with inescapable ennui

And blackjack! And hookers!

I have to wonder what kind of role autotune plays there.

"who don’t like sharing their feelings"