Chicken of Tomorrow


Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

Only if it's with your mom.

It does suck that you're being forced to focus your efforts on SEO bullshit, but seriously? You're being precious about the frigging layout? Good journalism could be printed on a roll of toilet paper if it made an impact. Are you a journalist or a designer?

🎶 Have you heard / There's a rumor in Saint Petersburg? / Have you heard / What they're saying on the street? 🎶

Best response to a Stack Overflow question I've ever read was, "if you sent me that code, I'd print it out and slap you with the paper"

But can I read it on my Newton?

That was back when every homemaker was sampling generously from the bottle of cooking sherry. It was a simpler time.

You're right, it does sound like you're bragging. It also sounds like you're belittling people who actively battle alcohol addiction every day.

I was fully prepared to be extravagantly cynical about this, but the video production was completely charming.

Seinfeld Quote Generator is shirking her duties on this one.

Ugh, Bulagrian communism is the worst communism, amirite?

There's nothing wrong with being chatty if the passenger's into it, but sometimes people are fucking tired and just want to get from point a to point b without trading useless platitudes with a stranger, and a good cabbie should be in tune to that.

Comfort animals are pretty legit. If the only thing between a person and suicide is an animal that a) loves her unconditionally and b) is totally dependent on her staying alive, then that seems like a pretty effective treatment.

That describes basically every facet of the Olympics for anyone involved.

Missed opportunity for jokes about ball swatting.

Ammber Franklin? From the Duluth Franklins?

Can we just move the Y: The Last Man movie along?

Oh mercy, yes, we've got to beat that competition.